Chapter 16

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Hawaii that's where we went, and it was beautiful. Now, it's time to head back home. I had a wonderful time, but I miss home. More than that, I miss the missions. The rush of adrenaline when you're in danger. It excites me. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "I really don't want to go back," Steve whines as he lays his chin on my shoulder. "I do. I'm ready to kick some ass again," Steve chuckled. "Yea, but don't you like it that we're not being called to save the world every five minutes," he said as he started kissing my neck. He knows that's my weakness. "I mean we'll keep getting interrupted from doing this," I smiled, gosh, he's too much for me. "We can't do this. Our flight leaves in an hour," I told him and he frowned. "Fine," he huffed and I laughed.

Our flight back was pretty much silent. We both took a nap on our way back. We showed up in New York, and Tony was there waiting for us. We wanted to spend some time with the rest of the family before we headed back to Brooklyn.  "So how was the honeymoon Capsicle? Hopefully y'all didn't have too much fun," he smirked. "Good to see you to Tony," I smiled. "I'm so glad you two decided to come here first. We have important business to attend to," he told us. "Already? We just got back," Steve complained. "Evil never sleeps Steve," I told him and he pouted.

We got to the tower ,and we put our luggage in our room. Then we headed to the conference room. Everyone was there, except for Bruce and Clint. Fury was up standing waiting for everyone to be seated and to settle down. Then he started, "this is Adrian Ernst, leader of one of the largest Hydra groups. Right now, he's up to something big," he said seriously. "How big?" Steve asked a little annoyed. All he wants to do is go home, and I can't blame him. "Well let's just say big enough to want to kill one of our best agents," he said looking at Steve.

"He wants to kill Steve?" We just got back and people are already trying to kill my husband. "He's been after him since your honeymoon," Tony says. "And why didn't no one care to inform us about this?" I shouted. "We didn't want to bother you. Hell, y'all barely get enough vacation from this as it is. Besides, we kept our eyes on them the entire time," Tony explained as I rolled my eyes.

"That's real nice of y'all, but we probably could've had this done a lot sooner if-"

"No, we wouldn't Steve. We don't even know where he's at. Right now, we're waiting on him to make a move," Fury said.

"So he's basically a sitting duck," I said. "No, you two are going to be staying here for protection," Tony replied.

Weeks passed by and nothing happened. Steve has been cooped up in the tower. We won't let him leave it, except for today. Since nothing has happened I told him he could go with me to walk outside. He's been complaining about getting fresh air. We went to Central Park and sat down on the bench.

"Finally some air," he smiled,"I was getting real tired of the tower." "I know. I'm sorry, but we can't risk it," I said biting my lip. "I can take care of myself," he remarked. "This isn't about that and you know it," I snapped but he ignored me and watched the kids that were there play.

I felt my neck tingle and for me that's not a good sign. Someone was watching us. "Steve it's time to go," I said as I got up. "Are you kidding me, we just got here," he scoffed. I started looking around and there was about ten people coming at us.

"There are people after us. Steve lets go," I started to yell. He quickly got up and we started heading towards the tower. They were waiting for Steve to get out of the tower all along.

Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain in my right shoulder. I look over and there was blood. I've been shot, but I wasn't about to let it stop me. Steve didn't seem to notice, and I wasn't going to tell him until we gotten to the tower. But I kept getting more and more dizzy. Like I was going to pass out. We were so close I'm sure I can hold off a little longer. Apparently, I was wrong.
I woke up in a hospital. My gunshot wound clean and stitched. I look over and Steve was beside me. "Why aren't we at the tower? It has its own hospital," I complained. "You were losing a lot of blood the hospital was closer than the tower," he told me. "You're not protected here," I said agitated. "Tony is watching the door," he said calmly.

I was about to say something else when the doctor came in. "Okay, Mrs. Rogers it looks like you are good to go as soon as I check on your baby," he said as I almost chocked. Baby? "What do you mean baby?" Steve asked. "I'm sorry did you not know? You're five weeks along," he smiled. "That's impossible I can't get pregnant. Run the test again," I told him. "As you wish," he said meaningfully.

He called a nurse in and she took some blood, then walked back out. Steve looked happy and shocked at the same time. I hate to do it but I have to tell him not to expect anything. He already knows I can't have children but I don't want to remind him.

"Steve, I don't want you to get your hopes up. You know I can't have kids," I said painfully. "You never know, Nat. Something could've happened," he said smiling. "Steve-" "can you just be positive? I mean think about it we could have a baby!" He said enthusiastically as I looked away, almost starting to cry.

The doctor came in with a pitying expression. "I'm so sorry we mixed someone else's results with yours. You're not pregnant," he said. I looked over at Steve and he looked very doleful. I tried to tell him. "Can I leave now?" I asked quietly. "Yes, of course," and he walked out of the room. I got my clothes and started to put them on. "I'm sorry. But I tried to tell-" "it's fine," he sort of shouted and started to walk out . "Steve, where are you going?" I asked worriedly. "I'll be waiting in the car," he quietly replied. I have a feeling this is going to break him apart. Maybe even us.

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