Chapter 8

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Steve's POV
    Pain. That's all I feel is pain. My serum won't heal me as fast as it used to because they keep reopening the wounds. I feel weak. I don't know where Natasha is. Hopefully, they aren't hurting her as bad as me. I need to go find her and get us out of here, but I'm chained to the wall. I've been pulling on them since I woke up, but it isn't working. I hear footsteps coming down the hall. Madame B. walks in with two guards and Natasha. Something's wrong. She isn't resisting and she looks different. "Good afternoon, Captain," Madame B. says. "You are going to be our lab rat for a moment," "lab rat? What are you talking about?" I asked with confusion. "Now, Natalia." And I heard a loud crack. More pain, and it's right in my chest. I look up and I see Natasha with a gun held up, straight at me. She puts it up and runs towards me. At first I think it's to help me, but then I see the dark look in her eyes and I know she's long gone. She gets on top of me and starts choking me. I'm in so much pain it's hard for me to move. "Natasha, this isn't you," I beg. "Natasha please listen to me," nothing. It's like she can't hear me. Like whatever I am saying to her means nothing. "You know me," I cry. "No I don't!" She screamed furiously. "Your name is Natasha Romanoff, you work for S.H.I.E.L.D, you've saved millions of lives, you're a hero. Please, Natasha." I feel her grip loosen but not enough to help me breath. I'm starting to lose my vision, and I know I'm not about to make it. "I love you, Natasha, please." And I loose my vision.

Natasha's POV
"I love you, Natasha, please." I wake up, and I realize I'm on top of Steve choking him. I quickly stopped and got off. What have I done? "Steve? Steve wake up!" I panicked. He slowly started opening up his eyes. "Natasha," he breathed. "Oh thank God!" I yell. "You shouldn't have done that Natalia. Maybe you need some more time in the machine. But first, your punishment." She smirked. I expected her to take me out of the room first, but she chained me to the other side of the room. The two guards went over to Steve's side and started beating him. "Leave him alone!" I scream. "This is what happens when you love, Natalia," she smirked. Then they stopped beating him and stood by Madame B. as she got her whip off her belt. She looked at me and started hitting me with it. I heard Steve keep yelling my name, yelling for them to stop. But they wouldn't. I was either getting hit by the whip or getting beaten by the guards. Then I seen something I have never seen before. Steve kept pulling on his chains, harder and harder. The wall started cracking and you could tell it was about to break. The more they beat me, the more mad Steve got. Finally, parts of the wall where the chains were hooked to broke. And there he went. He took down the two guards by breaking ones neck and throwing the other one through the wall. But Madame B. was gone. Steve broke his chains off of him then came over to me to do mine. As soon as they were off he hugged me. "I'm so sorry Steve, I knew I shouldn't have brought you," I cried. "Shhh, don't worry it's okay. Let's just focus about getting out of here okay?" I nodded. "Can you walk?" He asked worriedly. "Yea, I'm fine," I assured him, even though I feel so weak and in so much pain. But he's been through much worse. We walked out of the room slowly and carefully. We had to go find our stuff before we left. We were lucky not to get caught. There were soldiers everywhere looking for us. When we finally found them, we started looking for the exit. We were still down stairs, but there were so many doors it was hard to know which one lead to upstairs. We finally found it, but there were at least sixteen guards waiting for us. All armed. "Stop! Or we'll shoot!" One of them shouted. We were both hurting very badly, and neither of us wanted to fight. But if we want to get out of here then we're gonna have to. "You take the ones on the left I'll take the ones on the right." I told Steve. We both ran to our sides. I had 3 left, but one of them it one of my many wounds. Then I fell, the guard put a gun to my head. He was stopped by a shield. All three of them were. I slowly got up as he rushed to my side. "You okay?" He asked. "Yea, I'm good,"I said trying not to wince. We quickly ran up the stairs before any more guards came. As soon as we got up there we found the exit. But no more guards. Then we heard a noise. Beep Beep Beep Beep. It kept getting faster and faster. We both knew what that meant. A bomb. We ran out the door as fast as we could, and just kept running. It finally blew up and pieces went everywhere. We started walking to the car which was another mile away. We drove to the hotel we've been staying in, and as soon as we got in our room we called Fury. We both need some medical teams helping us.

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