Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since the incident. Steve hasn't talked to me. If he does it's a few words then he walks off. He usually holds me when we go to sleep but now he just turns his back towards me. I told Clint and he keeps saying he'll get over it, but I feel that it's unlikely. I  can't let this keep going. I'm going to have to talk to him about it. My thoughts were interrupted when Steve walked through our door. I had to confront him.

"Steve? You know we have to talk about this," I told him gently. "There's nothing to talk about," he snapped. "Really? Then can you tell me what the hell your problem is?" I shouted. He sighed and sat down on our bed with his head down.

"What has been going on with you? Is it because of what happened last week?" I asked softly. "Yes and no," he muttered. I looked at him confused. "When we came back from our honeymoon, and was told people were trying to kill me, I couldn't help but think about you," he said as he finally looked up at me.

"What about me?" I questioned as I got down on my knees so I could be eye to eye with him. "If I die, I want to leave you something behind. To remember me by," he said with a shaky voice. I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off.

"Then the doctor said something about you being pregnant and I was happy not only because I thought I'd be a dad, but because this was going to be my way of leaving you something when I die," he finished while tearing up.

"Oh Steve," I started as I gently grabbed his face with my hands. "You don't need to think about stuff like that. You are not going to die anytime soon, not if I can help it. And even if you did I could never forget you," I comforted him. "Are you sure about that?" He asked letting a tear fall from his eye that I wiped off. "Steve, I can't forget the man who taught me how to love," I hugged him.

"Gosh, I love you Natasha," he sighed. I unraveled from the hug and looked at him. "I love you too. Promise me you won't ever worry yourself about that again, you really scared me." "I promise" he smiled.
Everything went back to the way it was, but we still had one problem. We still don't know where Adrian is hiding. We've looked everywhere and no luck. It's like he just disappeared. We let Steve go out of the tower more because of it. We desperately want to go back to our apartment, it would be nice to have some privacy. We just don't want to risk anything. Steve is in the tower's gym, while I'm in the common room with Wanda.

"So, what if we never find this guy, are you and Steve just gonna stay here," she asked sarcastically. "No, I'm gonna give it about another month, and if nothing happens we're going back home," I told her with a smile.

"I wonder why he hasn't tried to attack Steve again," he said confused. "I don't know, either someone killed him, or he's waiting on us to leave," I responded.

"I'm going to go get something to eat, do you want something?" I said changing the subject. "No, I'm fine. I think I'm going to go talk to Vision," she replied and walked off.

I went down to the gym to go see if Steve wants something, already knowing he probably does. I walked in and Steve was beating up the punching bags, as usual. I sat down on the bench and just watched him. He had his shirt off, so this was quite the entertainment.

"Enjoying the view, Nat?" He smirked. I snapped out of my gaze that I didn't even know I was in. Yes, I have seen his body before, but it still amazes me. "Cocky much? I was watching you beat the crap out of that bag," I replied. "If you say so," he chuckled. "I do," I smiled.

I went up to him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and put my head on his chest. "I was about to go get some food, do you want anything?" I asked not taking my head off his chest. "Yea, just let me go get a shower first," he replied. "No, I'll go and get it while you take a shower, it'll be quicker." He kissed the top of my head and smiled, "whatever you want to do,"

I left the tower and went down the block to a fast food restaurant. I ordered me and Steve a burger a piece and sat down until it was ready. I looked over and a man in all black was staring at me. It wasn't those stares I usually get from men, it was more like a deadly stare. I got our food and walked out of the restaurant. I heard footsteps right behind me.

Then three guys came my way, I tried to go around but one of them grabbed me. There were more of them behind me. I was outnumbered but I could handle it. I was about to attack the guy that grabbed me, but another man held my arms back. Then I felt a prick in my neck and everything went black.

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