Chapter 1

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Sex and Lies Chapter 1

August 24, 2013(Saturday)


How could I do this? I looked to the left of me and I wasn't in my bed I was with another woman who i slept with the day before my wife's birthday. I still love my wife and daughter and I ended up doing this to them. She comes back into my life and i do this. How did I let this happen?

August 23, 2012(Thursday)

I woke up to my beautiful daughter Maria jumping on my bed.

"Daddy get up mommy making breakfast".

I sat up slowly. "She is"?

"Yes she say come get you".

"Well let daddy get up and you go downstairs".

"Okay daddy". She smiled and I helped her get of the bed and she ran out the room.

"Slow down Maria". I yelled

I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower I was already naked because my wife and I had wonderful night. I hopped in the shower and washed up.

After I put on my jeans and a shirt I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Maria was already eating and Candace was washing the pans. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

She giggled. "I put your food in the microwave babe".

I kissed her cheek. "Thank you".

I let got of her waist and went to the microwave and heated up my food. After it was done I took it out and got a fork.

I walked over to the table and sat beside Maria.

"Daddy mommy said we going shopping". She said chewing on her bacon.

"Maria don't talk with your mouth open like that it's nasty".

"Candace I thought you had work"? I said looking at her

She turned to me with one hand on her hip.

"No I have the day off and there no reason to take Maria to preschool we are going to have a mommy daughter day. Isn't that right Maria"?

I looked at Maria nodding and still eating.

I finished eating so I took mine and Maria's plate over to the sink and put them in there

"Dishwasher Justin". I heard Candace say.

I groaned and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

I got a wet napkin. "Maria come here".

She got out of her chair and walked over to me. I wiped her mouth.

"Daddy you coming with mommy and me"?

"No I can't I have work I have to go".

She looked at me and pouted.

"Don't do that Maria put that lip back in your mouth I promise me you and mommy will have a family day Friday okay".

She nodded and I picked her up.

"Daddy can I have five hundred moneys".

"Five hundred dollars"?

She smiled and nodded.

"Did you mommy tell you to say that".


I looked at her and she just smiled. I walked into the living room and put Maria on Candace's lap

"Five hundred dollars really Candace".

"I didn't say five hundred I said three hundred".

I looked at her. "You gonna buy me something"? I asked

"Of course I will, something you can take off of me". She said smirking

Oh my wife is a freak. And that is one thing i love about her.

I took my wallet out of my back pocket and gave her a thousand.

"I want some whipped cream and some strawberries for tonight". I said winking.

"Mmm okay I got you babe". She said standing up and putting Maria on the ground

"You two don't kiss". She said with her hand on her hip.

I laughed. "She gets that from you".

"Maria go get your shoes okay". Candace said

"Okay mommy". And she went upstairs.

I grabbed Candace's waist and kissed her.

"Justin your gonna be late for practice".

"Baby I only need five minutes". I said grabbing her ass and she laughed.

"Jus, Maria will be downstairs and you have practice".

I pulled her so close to me to the point where I could feel her breathing on me and I just started making out with her.


We stopped and saw Maria standing there.

"Nasty". She said making a face.

Candace laughed

"I only needed five minutes". I whispered in her ear.

She laughed and pushed me.

"Fine I'll go but tonight you better be ready for the work I will be giving you".

I kissed her and then kissed Maria on the forehead.

"Bye daddy".

"You two have fun and I better get a Cinnabon". I said grabbing my keys off the table beside the door.

"You will". I heard Candace say.

"Bye guys". I said opening the door and saw Maria running towards the door.

"Bye daddy".

"Bye baby girl". And I closed the door.

End of Chapter 1

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now