Chapter 14

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Sex and Lies Chapter 14


I four years old. My name Maria. Daddy left for his job. My mommy and me are in her room because we going to the mall.

"Mommy can I get a new baby doll".

"Sure sweetie we have daddy's card". She smiled at me.

"Can we have ice cream too".

"After lunch okay".

"Okay mommy".

My mommy was in her closet looking for something but then she fell. I ran over to mommy and she shook her.

"Mommy mommy mommy".

She won't move. I go to house phone and called emergency number.

"911 what's your emergency".

"My mommy fall and not moving".

"Okay sweetie how old are you".

"I four".

"Okay sweetie do you know your address".

"I don't know what it is".

"Okay stay on the phone with me sweetie can you go over to your mommy".

I did what the lady said.

"I did it".

"Can you go under her nose to feel her breath".

I put my hand under mommys nose and it was hot air.

"It's only hot air".

"That means she's breathing honey okay the police are on there way".

"I gotta call my nana".

"No sweetie you stay on the phone with me okay what's your name".

"Maria Alexandria Combs".

"Okay your grandmother Misa combs".

"No her name is Nana".

"Okay sweetie stay on the phone with me".


I was doing Maddie's hair when my phone rung.

"Go get that Maddie".

She got up of the couch and handed me the phone.

"Hello Misa speaking".

"Hello Misa I'm calling because I'm on the phone with your granddaughter her mother has passed out".

"Oh my God".

"I'm calling because she needs you at the moment. They are taking her mother to the hospital".

"I'm there". I hung up and got off the couch and grabbed my keys.

"Mama what's going on".

"Call Justin tell him to meet me at the hospital".


"Come on child lets go".

I pulled her arm and we got out of the house and to the car.

When we got to the house they were taking Candace out of the house.

"Where's my granddaughter".

"She's in the living room with the police office ma'am". A man said

I rushed into the house.

"Nana". She ran over to me crying.

"Mommy isn't waking up". She cried.

"It's gonna be okay we have to go to the hospital sweetie I promise your mommy will wake up".


I was throwing the football back and forth with a teammate.

"Combs". My coach yelled at me motioning me to come over to him.

I jogged over to him. "Sup coach".

"I just got a call from your sister saying your wife is in the hospital".

I started to panic.

"Son calm down I'm letting you go because it's a huge emergency so go on".

I ran off the field so quickly. I called my sister.


"Maddie what happened". I said getting in my car.

"They won't tell us yet but she passed out and isn't waking up".

I drove off.

"I'm on my way".

I hung up and I sped onto the highway and to the hospital I don't care about any police officers my wife is in the hospital.

Once I got there I ran to the front desk out of breath.

"I...need to know....what wife is on".

"I need a name".

"Candace Joy Combs".

"Floor five".

"Thank you". I ran to the elevator and pressed the button it felt like forever. I got in and pushed the button and then waited again.

I got off and soon saw my mom sister and Maria.

"Daddy". She ran over to me and I picked her up looked like she was crying.

"Hey baby girl". I walked over and sat beside my mom.

"What's going on mom".

"I don't know Justin".

"How did you find out".

"The police called me".

"How did they find out".

She looked down at Maria.

"Baby girl you called 911".

She nodded.

"Good job baby girl daddy is proud of you". I said kissing her forehead.

End of Chapter 14

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now