Chapter 20

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Sex and Lies Chapter 20

3 weeks later January 31


I was playing with Maria cause Justin and Candace went to an appointment.

"Uncle Niko do you not want to play". She pouted

"I'm tired Maria".


"I had school today".

"Me too".

"Preschool doesn't count".

"Does too".

"No it doesn't".

"Yes it does".


"Hey come on Niko. Really your arguing with my four year old".

I looked up and saw Justin and Candace holding food.


"Your such a kid Niko". Candace said

"I guess". I shrugged

"Maria go get ready for dinner".

Maria got off the floor and ran upstairs. I sat on the couch while Candace and Justin went to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang and I just sat there. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

"Niko I know you hear the doorbell". Candace yelled

I groaned and got off the couch and went to answer the door.

I looked to see a pregnant Alex.

"Niko!! What are you doing here"? She smiled

"I live with my brother. What are you doing here"?

"I need to talk to Justin. Is he here"?

Oh shit this is gonna be good.

I nodded and let her in.

"Justin"!!! I yelled

"What"? He came out the kitchen and saw Alex.

"You need to leave right now". He told Alex.


"Niko go". I pushed him out.

"Alex leave now".

"Justin I thought you would want to know about your child".

I laughed. "Alex we haven't had sex in months".

"I'm four months Justin".

"Exactly it's been about seven or eight so that's not mine".

"It is Justin and I can prove it".

"You need to leave now".

I grabbed her arm and opened the door.

"Justin is everything okay"? Candace walked out of the kitchen.

I turned around with Alex and Candace's mouth dropped.

"She's pregnant".

"Baby it's not mine I swear".

"It sure is his".

"No it's not I haven't seen her since the restaurant".

"Your lucky I'm pregnant or I would kill you". Candace said charging at Alex but I grabbed her.

"Alex get the hell out of my house and don't bother me or my family again".

"Justin this kid is yours and I can have more kids by you if I want I have your sperm". She smirked and walked out.

What the hell does that mean.

"She is gonna die I swear Justin that bitch kept your sperm from the condom months ago".

"Ewww that's how she's pregnant".

"Imma kill her I swear".

"Baby calm down I don't need you stressing out. Look I will talk to my lawyer and everything. I will handle this baby".

"You better or I will". And she walked into the kitchen

"Man your ass is in trouble". Niko said coming out of the living room.

"Shut the hell up and get out of my face". I pushed him into a wall and walked into the kitchen following Candace

End of Chapter 20

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now