Chapter 15

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Sex and Lies Chapter 15


It's been about six hours of us sitting in the waiting room. Everyone was sleep except me I just wanted to know what was wrong with my wife.

"Uh Mr.Combs".

I turned my head and saw the doctor. I got up and placed Maria in the chair laying her head on my moms lap. I walked over to the doctor.

"What's wrong with my wife. Is she okay"?

"Yes she is okay. She was just a little dehydrated so she passed out".

I let out a breath happy that she's okay.

"But I do have news. I don't know if it's good or bad for your family".

"What is it".

"Well we find out that your wife is pregnant".


"Yes about a week actually".

"Really? I haven't noticed that she didn't have the symptoms".

"Well that's common".

"Can I see her please"?

"Yeah follow me".

I followed behind him and we got to the door. "She's kinda still weak but we will release her in two or three days".

"Okay thank you".

He walked away and I walked the door saw her hooked up to a machine. I don't like the look of this. I closed the door and she looked at me and smiled but you can tell she didn't want to.

I walked over to her and sat in the chair beside her and held her hand.

"Is everything okay".

"Yeah baby your good but the doctor he told me-"

She cut me off with "I'm not dying am I".

"No baby no it's just your having a baby".

"A baby"?

"I know that's what I said".

"I didn't even notice that I mean I didn't start my period but I just thought I was getting old". She had a weak smile and I kissed her hand.

"Baby you aren't old stop it your only-"

"Uh Justin hush".

I laughed.

"Where's Maria is she okay. Oh I bet my baby was scared".

"She's in the waiting room. She actually called 911".

"Oh my baby is growing up I wanna see her".

"I'll go get her".

I walked in the waiting room and they were still sleep I'm not gonna wake them up it's like 10 at night.

I picked up Maria and she woke up.

"Daddy"? She said in her sleepy voice her eyes not really open.

I walked. "Yes baby girl".

"Is mommy okay"?

"Yes mommy is okay".

I walked into the room and Maria's face lit up. "Mommy"!


I placed Maria on the bed and she snuggled up to Candace.

"Mommy are you okay"?

"Yes sweetie I'm fine. Daddy told me you called 911".

"You died"?

"No mommy didn't die I just passed out but mommy is going to get you something special for helping me".

"I want you mommy to be okay".

"I'm okay Maria".

I hate seeing Candace like this and Maria so worried about Candace. But I'm happy that Maria cares so much for her mommy.

Candace rubbed her back making her fall asleep.

"Baby I was so scared". I grabbed her hand and she looked at me.

"Justin I'm okay". She brushed her hand across my cheek and grabbed my chin and I held her hand.

"Don't ever scare me again. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you".

"Justin don't talk like that".

I sighed. "So baby but I'm just glad your okay". I kissed her hand

"I love you so much Candace".

"I love you too Justin".

I looked at Maria who was fast asleep.

"I'm gonna tell my mom and sister your okay and ill right back".

She nodded and I got up and walked out of the room to the waiting room. I tapped my mom.

She woke up. "Justin is Candace okay"?

"Yeah you can leave ill call you tomorrow".


I walked out the waiting room and back to Candace's room she was sleeping too.

I walked over and kissed her forehead. "I love you Mrs.Combs".

End of Chapter 15

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now