Chapter 17

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Sex and Lies Chapter 17

4 months later


I feel like a fat person even though I only have a small bump. I still feel fat. Hopefully this baby isn't like Maria a 9 lb baby.

I walked into Misa's kitchen smelling something good.

"Hey mommy". I said sitting at the table

"Hi baby. How you feeling"?


She laughed and I groaned. "What's for dinner"?

"Roast, greens, mash potatoes and rolls".

"Yummy can I get some now".

"No pregnant child not yet".

"But I'm hungry". I whined

"You act worse then my kids when your pregnant Candace".

"Not my fault I have mood swings".

Justin walked in holding Maria.

"Mommy daddy said we can have ice cream after dinner".

"Ooh ice cream that sounds so good right now".

"Justin look what you did".

"I didn't say it Maria did".

"But you told her. Set the table Justin".

"Mom you have two kids that can do that".

"No I have five kids and I'm asking you to do it so do it".

He groaned. "Justin just do it I'm hungry and as soon as you finish I can eat so hurry up". I yelled

"Well damn you don't have to yell".

Maria gasped. "Daddy said bad word".

I picked her up and put her on my lap.

"Yeah tell your dad he's bad". Misa said

"Bad daddy".


He set the table and I put Maria in a chair with books on them.

"Niko Maddie come down stairs it's dinner time".

"Thank you I'm hungry".

Misa put the food on the table and I was about to dig in when she smacked my hand.

"Ow". I said rubbing my hand

"Wait for Maddie and Niko".

"Ugh". I groaned and folded my arms


Maddie came downstairs and we were waiting for Niko.

"Can we please eat now"? Candace said

I just laughed cause she's acting like such a kid.

"Shut up Justin and go get him".

I groaned and got up out of my sit and went upstairs to his room. I just walked in to see him having sex with some girl.

"Wow in the house while mom and Maddie are still here". I shook my head

He and the girl jumped and covered themselves.

"Justin get out".

"Niko your in so much trouble".

"Your gonna tell mom".

I laughed. "Hell yeah I am".

I walked out the room and went downstairs.

"Where's Niko"?

"Mom I think you should get him".

She huffed and rolled her eyes and went upstairs. Seconds later you could hear her yelling.

"What's going on"? Maddie asked

"Nothing you need to worry about".

I looked over at Candace who was stuffing her face.

"Baby slow down". I made Maria a plate

And my mom came down pissed holding a girl by her arm and soon kicked her out.

Damn Niko is in trouble.

End of a Chapter 17

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now