Chapter 21 (THE END)

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Sex and Lies Chapter 21 (THE END)

1 year later


If your wondering I went to court with Alex and yes she will not be able to be close to me ever again. She and that doctor actually went to jail because what they did was illegal.

The judge told me I had to take the baby because it was my seed. The baby came a month after Candace gave birth to my son Justin Jr.

Candace at first wasn't sure about having two newborns but soon grew to love the baby as her own. We named the baby girl Faith Ariana Combs.

Maria turned six a few days ago and now in a couple of days she will be going to first grade.

Both babies are one year's0 old and growing up so fast.

Niko and my mom well they finally are speaking but she doesn't want him living with her. But he ended up going to college. He can have sex as much as he wants now.

"Justin"!!!! Candace yelled

I walked upstairs to the babies room.

"Yes baby".

"Can you feed Jr while I change Faith".

"Yeah sure but can you feed me later". I smirked.

"Your nasty". She said handing me Jr.

"What we haven't been able to have time to ourselves lately".

"That's cause we have three beautiful kids".

I love how she said three not two.

"But still I want to spend time with you baby".

"I know maybe we can go on a date sometime".

"Yes a date I was thinking more like sex but okay a date".

She laughed. "Get out of here nasty".

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. And got his bottle ready then heated it up making sure it wasn't too hot.

Then I put it in his mouth.


I heard Maria coming downstairs.

"Yes sweetie".

She came in the kitchen.

"Mommy said we are going to a restaurant today".

"Did you ask mommy whose paying".

"Hahaha very funny Justin". Candace said walking in the kitchen.

"I'm kidding but when did you decide this".

"Right after you left the room". She laughed.

"Well I'm down for food". I smiled.

"Great now I'll take the babies. Maria go get dressed your clothes are on the bed and Justin you get ready too".

I smiled and kissed her. "You know I love you Candace".

"And I love you too Justin".

End of Chapter 21

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now