Chapter 19

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Sex and Lies Chapter 19


So we got home and Candace went straight to the kitchen. Her fat ass.

"Maria go upstairs and get ready for bath time".

"Daddy is uncle Niko staying with us"?

"For a little bit yes".

She jumped up and down smiling.

"Go". I pointed upstairs.

She ran upstairs.

"Niko your room will be next to Maria's. You know the one you stay in".

"Yeah". He sighed and grabbed him bags and went upstairs.


I walked into the kitchen to see Candace eating ice cream with whipped cream.

"Baby didn't you just have ice cream"?

"Yes but I wanted more and we don't have no chicken nuggets".

I laughed. "That's because we haven't gotten groceries".

"Can we go get some"?

"Candace it's nine at night and Maria needs to be in bed and I still need to talk to Niko".

"Give him the rules".

"I know baby I am".

"Make sure you tell him 10 minute showers".

"Okay baby".

"And don't forget-"

"Candace I got it".


"I gotta go give Maria a bath". I helped her up

"Thank you Justin".

"Your welcome".

I helped her up the stairs even though she didn't want it.

She went to the bathroom and I went to Nikos new room. He was putting his clothes away. I sat down in the desk chair.

"Have a seat Niko".

He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Justin I messed up bad".

"No shit Niko and now I have four people I have to take care of".

"I'm sorry".

"Yeah we have rules".

He groaned.

"Shut up. Rule one your curfew is 9:30 on weekdays 11:30 weekends".


"You have a problem"?

He sighed. "No".

"Rule two you can not have anyone over without asking me or Candace. Rule three if you want to go somewhere you need to ask".

"Man these rules are worst then moms".

"And I don't care Niko. Rule four Candace said showers ten minutes only. Rule five breakfast is at six thirty if your not up you miss it".

"Six in the morning"?

"Yes and dinner is at seven".

He groaned. "Rule five don't curse around Maria. Rule six if you are disrespectful I will beat your ass I don't care".


"And since you don't have a car Candace or I will take you to school".


"Get some sleep you have school tomorrow".

I got up and walked out of his room and to mine and laid down on my couch.

Maria came running in the room with Candace behind her.

"She wanted to say goodnight before she went to sleep".

I sat up and Maria jumped in my lap.

"Goodnight daddy".

I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight babygirl".

"Come on Maria lets go say our prayers". Candace said holding out her hand.

Maria jumped off my lap and kissed my cheek. "Night daddy".

"Goodnight babygirl". She grabbed Candace's hand and they walked out of the room.

End of Chapter 19


Still sick and I hate it

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now