Chapter 11

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Sex and Lies Chapter 11


I grabbed Candace's waist pulling her close to me. She was sound asleep. We had sex all day today and it was needed for the both of us. I missed my wife so much just cause I did something so stupid and cheated. But let me tell you this never again will i do it.

I heard the doorbell ring. I got out of bed and grabbed my shorts and went downstairs to the front door and opened it.


Maria jumped up into my arms and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

I let my mom and sister in.

"What did you guys do today"?

"We went to the children's museum then the movies then we went to dinner". Maddie said

"We saw Frozen daddy".


"Yes but grandma said you wouldn't like it".

"And why not".

"It has a lot of singing in it".

"Oh yeah daddy doesn't like musicals".

She laughed. "Why don't you have a shirt on daddy"?

"I was busy today didn't have time for a shirt.

"That's nasty Justin". My mom said

I put her down. "Go get ready for your bath".

"Okay daddy". She was half way up the stairs.

"Are you not going to say bye to grandma". My mom said

She came back downstairs laughing. "Sorry".

She hugged my moms legs and my mom kissed her forehead.

"Bye grandma".

"Bye baby".

"Bye auntie Maddie".

She hugged her and went upstairs.

"Just we are gonna go I'm tired". My mom said


"And clean your house it smells like sex". My mom said.

I smiled widely.

"Eww Justin that's nasty". Maddie said

"I'm allowed to have sex with my wife Maddie".

"It's still gross".

"Goodbye Maddie".

"Bye Justin".

"Bye mom".

She looked at me and shook her head. And they walked out the door. I closed the door then locked it. I went upstairs and Maria was in my room on Candace's lap.

"Daddy mommys naked".

I laughed and went over to her and took her off the bed.

"Go get your clothes for bed time Maria. Mommy will be there soon". Candace said

"Okay mommy".

And she ran out the room.

"Today was great". I said sitting on the edge of the bed on Candace's side.

"I know but Justin that doesn't get you off the hook just cause we had sex. I'm still very upset with you".

"I know baby and I'll make it up to you I promise today was just a warm up". I smirked at her and she hit me.

"Stop thinking nasty Justin". She laughed and got out of bed and yes she was naked. So I smacked her ass.

"Justin"! She gasped

"Sorry maybe next time you should put clothes on".

"And you need to deal with that". She looked down and so did I.

I laughed. "Come help me".

"No I have to give our daughter a bath and put her to bed".

"Then I can put you to sleep".

"Eww Justin no". She grabbed her robe and tied it up and walked out.

"Baby I know you want it". I yelled

"Shut up". She yelled back

I took my shorts off and got into bed. I ended up going to sleep but then I woke up when Candace got into bed.

"Baby cuddle with me". I said

She laughed and moved closer to me.

"No like this". I moved her very close to me her ass was on my dick. My chest on her back. My neck on her shoulder.

"Goodnight baby". She said

"Can I stick it in"

"Justin no". She said laughing.

I moved my dick up and down on her ass.

"Justin stop I wanna sleep".

"Just once in and out".

"No horny boy".

I kissed her cheek and soon she was sleep. All I wanted was night sex.

End of Chapter 11

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now