Chapter 6

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Sex and Lies Chapter 6

August 26 (Sunday)


I got up and Candace was getting her ice coffee.


She looked at me and payed and quickly walked out. I ran after her and caught her before she got in the car.

"Move Justin".

"Baby I'm sorry".

"Sorry my ass Justin".

"Candace I didn't mean to do it. I...I was so drunk and I couldn't remember anything".

"Drunk or not Justin you lied and went to her house ended up drinking when you know that when you drink too much you act crazy as hell".


"Justin please get out of my way".

"No not until you talk to me".

"Okay you want me to talk Justin. You slept with another girl who apparently was your first love and apparently you missed her so much you cheated on your wife. And not to mention you slept with her the day before my birthday and missed my birthay. And it's fucked up your a piece of shit".

She pushed me and opened her car door and shut up. Then she locked it.

"Candace open the door". I banged on the window.

She didn't look at me and she started the car.

"Don't you leave me Candace".

She backed out and drove away.


Shaq came outside. Looking around 

"How did it go"?

"She's gone man".

"Yeah you fucked up".

"I know that now".

I drove to my moms house and walked inside.


"In the kitchen".

I walked in the kitchen.

"Daddy"!!! Maria ran over to me and I picked her up.

"Hey princess".

"Mommy was here".


"Yes she said she has to leave but she's gonna take me with her".

"Uhh Maria go get auntie Maddie for dinner and uncle Niko". My mom said.

I put Maria down and she ran upstairs.

"Mom what is Maria talking about".

"Well Candace is going to see her family".

"For how long mom"?

"Justin I don't know but she's leaving today".


"Yeah she knew you were coming here and so she went to pack".

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now