Chapter 18

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Sex and Lies Chapter 18


You could hear my mom yelling upstairs. Niko is stupid for trying to have sex while his family is here. Plus its a weekend like that was so dumb.

My mom came back downstairs pissed. She sat down and didn't say anything.

"Nana are ok"?

She looked at Maria and forced a smile.

"Yeah nana is okay".

"Um Maddie Maria why don't we go and get some ice cream". Candace said standing up.

"Is that okay with you mom"?

"Yeah go ahead".

Candace picked up Maria and walked over to me.

"Can I have the keys please". I looked at her.

"Justin give me the damn keys".

"Baby you know I don't like you driving pregnant".

"Justin I will hurt you".

I groaned and handed her the keys. She's so mean. I hate her hormones.

"Thank you". She kissed my forehead.

They walked out of the kitchen and soon I heard the door close.

"Mom you alright".

"I just don't know what I'm gonna do with him".

I shrugged.

"I think he should go and move in with his father".

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Mom that's not a good idea".

"Justin I can't deal with him".

"And you know what his dad will do".

"Handle him".

"Mom you know he abuses his kids".

"Mom don't send me to dads".

I turned around and saw Niko.

"Niko you are 18 years old you should be smarter than this". Mom said

"I'm sorry".

"Yeah me too".

"Wait mom what if he lives with me"?

"Justin you have a four year old and a pregnant wife".

"Mom I can handle Niko trust me".

"Fine but I'm done with you Niko don't come back to my house either".

She stood up and left the kitchen. I got up and looked at Niko then punched him in the arm.

"Ow". He said rubbing his arm

"Your ass just got kicked out the house, you made mom pissed off she wanted to send you do your dads but your ass is coming to stay with me until you go to college trust me I will treat you like a child and beat your ass".

He groaned

"Go pack your stuff". I pushed him out the kitchen

I can't believe this shit. Man now I have to take care of three kids.

End of Chapter 18


I know short sorry.

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now