Chapter 3

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Sex and Lies Chapter 3

August 24 (Friday)


I woke up in my man cave. Candace was mad that I had another girls number on my hand. I mean it's not a big deal I'm not doing anything but gonna talk to her.

I got up and went into the the bathroom. And took a nice hot shower making sure I got the number off of my hand. I had a game today so I didn't need to be there until later at like 4:30.

After I got out of the shower I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom. I didn't want to wear anything in this closet. The only thing in here were my suits, so I walked into my room, and saw Candace doing Maria's hair.

"Ewww daddy naked".

I laughed. "I'm not naked sweetie".

"I see your boobies daddy".

"No I don't have them your mommy does though".

I went into my closet and got something nice to wear.

"Babe can you iron my shirt"? I said looking out of the closet. She didn't even look up.

"You have two hands do it yourself".

I walked out of the closet and over to the couch.

"Maria go to your room".

"But daddy my hair not done".

"Me and mommy has to talk okay".

"Okay daddy". She got off the floor and walked out of the room. And I sat beside Candace.

"Baby you can't still be mad at me".

"Why did you even let her write it on your hand Justin? Huh? Why get her number"?

"Just to catch up baby that's all I promise".

She still wasn't looking at me so I grabbed her chin and made her look at me.

"I love you".

She smiled at me.

"I love you too". I pecked her lips.

"Can you iron my shirt now".

"No I have to finish Maria's hair you can do it yourself".

"Ugh please baby". I whined

"Stop being a baby I have stuff I have to do".

"Fine but someone's birthday is tomorrow". I smiled

"I know your mom is cooking me a birthday dinner".

"And I will be giving you your birthday dessert".

She laughed and pushed me.

"What I'm serious I have a great night planned baby".

"Okay Justin". I kissed her and got up.

"Maria come here I gotta finish your hair and Justin at least put on some boxers".

"Okay I'm going". I went over to my dresser and got my boxers and went into my closet and put them on. And put on some jeans.

After I got ready I saw Candace was dressed too in a nice blue tank top and white shorts with some white sandals.

"Where you going"? I asked her

"Well I'm going to Walmart cause we need food and then maybe go get some lunch".

"Don't get McDonalds I don't want my daughter getting fat".

"You gonna make lunch then". She asked me

"No I won't be here".

"Then dont tell me what to get for my child. But where are you even going Justin"?

"Out with the boys". I lied

"Okay well have fun baby. Maria come on sweetie".

Maria came downstairs with Minnie Mouse shirt and white shorts with white sandals.

"Whoa why is she wearing those shorts".

"Oh Justin chill out. It is very hot outside". She said picking up Maria.

"Them boys gonna be looking at my baby girl I don't want that".

"She's only four Justin". Candace said laughing.

"Ugh she's too cute for this". I said

"Daddy I not cute I sexy". Maria said smiling

I looked at Candace and she shrugged.

"Who told you that word"? I asked

"Auntie Maddie".

"Great my little sister teaching my four year old words like sexy". I said

"Baby it's okay". Candace kissed my cheek.

"Bye Justin".

"Bye daddy".

"Bye guys".

Candace got the keys and her purse and the were out the door.

I walked into the café and saw Alex sitting down. I walked over to her and she stood up.

"Hey". She said hugging me

"Hey". I sat down across from her.

"So how have you been"? I asked her

"I've been good I became I lawyer".

"Your dream job nice".

"Yeah and I see you became a football like you always wanted".

"Yep I actually got a game today".

"I know I'm going".

I laughed. "Are you spying on me"?

She laughed. "No I just want to support you Jus".

"Man you got gorgeous". I said

She smiled and blushed. "Thank you".

"Do you wanna come over my place I mean we could make desserts and stuff like the old times".

"Uhh I don't think so". I said scratching the back of my head.

"Aww come on Jus please for old time sake". She pouted

Ugh how could I say no to her.

"Okay I'll follow you to your house".

"Great come on". She smiled at me and we got up and walked out of the cafe.

End of Chapter 3

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now