Chapter 12

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Sex and Lies Chapter 12

Next Day


I woke up hard. I groaned. I looked over and Candace was sleeping. I shook her a little.


She didn't move so I shook her more.

"Whaaat"? She groaned

"Baby can we have sex".

"Leave me alone Justin".

"Please Candace".

"I'm tired Justin do it yourself".

I smirked and wrapped my arms around her. I grabbed my d!ck and stuck it in her. She quickly got up.


"What"? I acted like nothing happened but she smacked me in the face.

"Shit Candace". I grabbed my face. And she wrapped her robe around her waist.

"Where are you going".

"To sleep in my other room since your horny ass don't listen".

"Baby I'm sorry".

"You get on my nerves". She opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Baby"!!!!!! I yelled

"I'm sorry"!!!!! I yelled again

"I looooooooooooove you Candace Combs"!!!!


Then she walked in. "Combs what do you want".

"You look good in that robe baby".

She rolled her eyes. And smiled.

"Come here baby". I patted my lap.

"Put on some boxers and then I will". She laughed and walked over to the dresser and throw some boxers at me.

"All I want is morning head baby".

She laughed. "Do you really think imma put my mouth down there after you had that bitch go down on you ha. I don't think so boo".

"Can I do it to you"?

"Justin hush".

I put on my boxers and I saw Candace putting on her purple bra and purple panties.

"You got a nice body baby".

"Thank you". She got on the bed and crawled over to me and kissed me.

"I love you Combs".

"You sound like coach".

She laughed. "Well sexy Combs it's Sunday what do you want to do".

"I don't know".


Me and Candace both jumped and Candace was the first one to run out the room. I got up and ran out the room to Maria's room.

Maria was crying and I Candace was rocking her. I sat beside then on the bed.

"Maria what's wrong"? I asked

"Bad...lady". She said crying

"What bad lady sweetie". Candace said

"She....took daddy...from you mommy".

Candace looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

"It was just a bad dream sweetie".

"Yeah mommy is right. Nobody is gonna take me away from mommy. Nobody".

"You wanna lay with mommy and daddy". Candace said

She nodded. I took Maria from Candace and she laid her head on my shoulder. And I got up and walked to my room with Candace behind me. I placed Maria in the middle of the bed. Candace laid there and rubbed her back and soon she fell back asleep.

"Justin I don't want Maria having these types of dreams". She whispered.

"I know Candace but i don't know what to do". I whispered

"Has Maria seen Alex"?

I shook my head no.

"Justin maybe it's because we haven't been on good terms".

"I know maybe we need a vacation".

"The whole family"?


"What about football"?

"Oh yeah damn maybe just family time you know until I have to leave".

"Which state you going to"?



"Two weeks".

"Okay so everyday after practice we can spend family time together".

"Yeah just the three of us".

I kissed her. And she just laid there.

"Did you know your still in your panties and bra"?

She laughed. "Yes Justin".

"Oh okay just making sure". I smiled

End of Chapter 12


It's snowing in Nebraska -_-

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now