Chapter 8

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Sex and Lies Chapter 8


I had to get a damn cab back home cause Candace was so pissed off.

Once I got to the house I saw Maddie leaving with Maria.

"Where you going with her"?

"Candace said that you two need to be alone and bro she wasn't happy".

I sighed "I know".

"Daddy I go see grandma"? She looked so tired

"Yes but daddy will pick you up tomorrow". I kissed her cheek.

"Drive safe Maddie".

"Of course".

I walked in the house. "Candace". I yelled no answer

So I walked upstairs and into the room. She was sitting on the bed.


She didn't say anything. So I walked over to her side of the bed and you could tell she had been crying.

"Baby you have to believe me when I say I didn't know she owned that place I swear".

She got up from the bed and started walking to the bathroom. I grabbed her arm and she snatched her arm back.

"Don't touch me".

"Candace please I didn't know she was gonna be there I swear. My friends said it was the best restaurant in the city and I wanted to give you the best time I swear if I knew she owned it or even worked there I would have never went to that place".

"I just don't like the fact that she disrespected me Justin".

"I know baby I didn't know she was there that's why I tried to leave before anything went down".

"Well I hope I don't see her again ooh I swear".

I grabbed her waist and made her look at me.

"I love you baby I never meant to hurt you I just want my wife back".

"I love you too Justin but seeing her just made me more upset you slept with her and then missed my birthday. You lied to me Justin the trust is gone".

"Baby I wanna prove to you that I love you. How can I prove to you baby"?

"You figure that out yourself but tonight we will not be sleeping together".


She put her hand up. "No Justin not tonight".

She groaned. "I left my shoes and earrings at the stupid restaurant".

"I'll go get them tomorrow".

She laughed. "Yeah I don't think so you can never see that bitch again".

"I wasn't planning on it baby".

"You can go". She said pointing to the door. I grabbed her face and kissed her. At first she was into it but then she pulled away and walked to the bathroom and I sighed and walked out the bedroom and into my other room.

Next Day


I woke up today feeling pumped I'm gonna face this bitch and get my stuff.

I took a shower and than I got dressed I put on my black suit and skirt. I put on my black pumps. And then curled my hair.

I walked downstairs to see that Justin left a note.

-Went to get Maria and maybe take her to breakfast be back soon-

I throw the note in the trash and then went outside to my car and drove to the restaurant. I parked and then walked inside.

"Hello table for one".

"No I need to speak with the owner is she here".

"Actually she is here follow me".

He took my to the very back to her little office. He knocked.

"Come in".

"Umm someone is here to see you".


He let me in and then closed the door.

"Oh it's you Mrs.Combs".

I just looked at her. She had a huge bump on her forehead from the plate I throw at her.

"Yes it's MRS.Combs. I'm here to tell you to stay away from my husband or else".

"Oh so your threatening me".

I laughed and shook my head and walked over to her desk and leaned in.

"No sweetie I'm telling you or else I will do something about it. This is your only warning".

She stood up and smiled and leaned in. "Trust me when I say Justin would rather be with me anyway I was his first everything".

"And then you left bitch so I'm telling you stay the hell away from my family".

I walked over to the door. And then turned to face her. "And I hope you know that the mouth you kissed my husband with was my pussy bitch".

And I walked out of the office. Back to the front I saw my shoes in the podium the greeter was at so I went over to took them.

"Excuse ma'am you can't take those".

"Oh no dear these are mine".

And I walked out and went to my car and got in.

End of Chapter 8

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now