Chapter 13

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Sex and Lies Chapter 13

September 22 (Monday)


Candace and I were just relaxing while Maria was sleeping it was only 7. And I had to leave at 1.

"I'm mad you woke me up Justin".

"I just wanted a little sex".

"Mmm you are a pig".

"But you love me baby".

"I do love your curly head self".

She kissed me.

"Mommy". Maria whined. I looked down to see her looking up at us.

"Come here baby girl". I said to her.

She crawled over to me and got on my lap and laid her head on my chest.

"Daddy you not gonna leave mommy"?

"Of course not I love her".

"Grandma said to Auntie you left mommy for bad lady".

"Oh don't listen to grandma she's crazy".

Maria laughed. "Uncle Niko said your a asshole".

Candace gasped. "Maria don't say that word". She popped her on her leg.

She looked down and her bottom lip started shaking.

"Don't cry baby girl. And Uncle Niko shouldn't be saying bad words in front of you".

"Daddy I not bad".

"Of course not baby girl but Uncle Niko is".

"Imma go make breakfast. Come on Maria". She grabbed Maria off my lap and got off the bed.

"Baby can you make French Toast".

"Yeah I got you baby". She smiled and walked out of the room.

I grabbed my phone and called Niko. It rang three times before he answered.

"What Justin". He groaned

"Did I wake you up".


"Good because we need to talk".

"Ugh about what"?

"Niko next time you curse in front of my daughter I will beat your ass".

"I didn't curse in front of Maria".

"Did you say I was an asshole".

Yeah but I didn't know she was there man".

"Well you got her cursing and next time she says you said a curse word I will come to Mamas house and beat your ass. Got it"?

"Yeah Justin".

"I should beat your ass for calling me that too but I'm not, and I want you to apologize to Maria the next time you see her".

"Alright can I go to sleep".

"WAKE YOUR ASS UP". I yelled in the phone

"Man Ju-" I hung up on him.

That pisses me off cursing in front of my baby girl like that. Must have lost his mind.

I got out of bed and went to the dresser and got a shirt. Then I walked out my bedroom and down the stairs it was smelling good in the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen to see Maria putting the bread in the bowl with the eggs.

"Daddy I helping".

"I see that". I kissed her forehead then sat on the counter.

"Justin get your butt of the counter that's nasty".

"What my butt is clean".

She laughed and continued to cook.


"Did you shower this morning"?

"I'm going to".

"Mmm well go now and by the time you get done the food should be done".


She smiled but then frowned. I got off the counter and she kinda lost balance but I caught her.

"Baby you okay"?

"Yeah just a little dizzy".


"I'm fine Justin go shower". She smiled and I was just concerned.

"No you finish cooking then ill shower".

I sat at the table until she finished.

End of Chapter 13

Sex and Lies:A Justin Combs Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now