Chapter 11

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***********8 months later************

Everything seemed to be going perfect. I was moved in to the perfect house, with the perfect boyfriend, with perfect friends, and a perfect life. Everything just seemed to be going my way.

"Connor lets go see a movie today." I said as I sipped my coffee. We were sitting in the kitchen. He was on his laptop, like always, editing a video and also drinking coffee.

"But I just wanna sleeeeeep." He said exaggerating the e in sleep.

"It's almost 11. It's pretty late." I said sitting next to him.

"Not for me! This is early."

"Come on please! we haven't gone to a movie in like 2.2 billion years!" I whined making puppy dog eyes.

He looked at my sad eyes for a moment before saying; "Fine."

"Yes!" I jumped up. "They work every time!" I ran upstairs to do my hair and makeup.

10 minutes later I ran back downstairs. "Im ready lets go lets go lets go!" I said pulling on his arm.

"Wow you're hyper!" He laughed. "Let me just get my phone then we can go."

"Yay!" I yelled as he got his phone from the lounge. I ran outside and got into my car. He came out about 2 seconds later.

"So what movie?" he asked as I started the car and we got our seat belts on.

"I don't know...we could see the new Thor movie!" I said excitedly.

"What's up with you today?" he asked laughing. "You're all happy..."

"Me? nothing." I smiled innocently. "I just love you. That's all."

"What did you do." He said simply and looked at me.

"Nothing..." I replied. "I just feel like today is gonna be the best day ever."

He smiled. "I love you too."

We pulled up the the cinema (or movie theatre whatever you call it) and walked in, hand in hand. When we got in I got a big popcorn bowl and 2 icees by myself while Connor waited and sat on twitter. There was a huge line and he complained about it so I got it myself.

7 minutes later, I walked over to see Connor talking to a girl I recognized. They were laughing and he seemed really happy.

"Hey Taylor, you remember Elena right?" he said smiling.

"Yeah." I smiled back to make it look like I liked her.

She smiled weakly. "Well I'll see you guys around?"

"Yeah. See ya." he gave her a hug. That was it. If I ever saw that girl again if punch her. As she walked away she gave me a look like 'he's mine. Back off bitch'

"She's great." I said sarcastically.

"Be nice." He nudged me a bit as we walked to the theatre, "I know you don't like her. I don't either. That's why I broke up with her 9 months ago."

"Then why were you all laughter over there."

"Because I don't want to be mean." He said. I looked away still. "I'm sorry." He hugged me from the side.

I smiled. "I can't be mad at you." I turned around to face him and kissed him before we entered a dark room with no one in it but us. We were late so the previews were already started, but we were surprised that no one else was even in the theatre.

We sat in the way front because Yolo, y'know.


By the time the movie was over, it was about 5, so we decided that since we were already at the grove, we'd just walk around and talk and possibly shop.

We walked around for 30 minutes before he said he was hungry. "Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm in the mood for Carls Jr." He replied.

"Well then we can get something on the way back home. Okay?"

"Sounds like a plan." He smiled before that Elena chick walked over. God I hate her.

"Hey!" she said happily as Connor let go of my hand and hugged her.

"Funny meeting you here." He laughed.

They started talking and laughing and I was just like awkwardly standing there. I looked around to find the nearest place to get away from them. Then I saw forever 21 like 10 feet away. "I'm just gonna be in forever 21 okay?" I said before just walking off. I don't even think they heard me.

I walked into forever 21 and started looking at jumpers that looked really cute and Christmassy. I was just thinking of Connor the whole time though.

Would he leave me? no.

Does he really love me? yes.

I finally settled on 3 Christmas jumpers, a necklace, a few bracelets, and a pair of black leggings. I paid and walked right out of the store and walked towards Connor and Elena. I was looking at the ground the whole time, so when I got close enough I realized that they were kissing. He pulled away when he finally realized that I was behind him. I had tears in my eyes when he turned around to face me.

"Taylor...its not what you think." He begged. "Please I-"

"I don't want to hear it Connor." I half yelled back.

"But I didn't kiss her!"

"I don't want to hear you lie!" a tear fell from my eye. "Do you even love me?" I choked out.

He now had tears in his eyes as he said "Yes. I love you more than anything in the world. You're my everything."

"Lies!" I yelled and covered my ears as I walked away.

"Taylor!" he walked after me and touched my shoulder.

I turned around angrily. "Don't touch me!" I yelled, "I don't want to look at you ever again! I don't want to talk to you ever again! and I sure as hell don't want to be your girlfriend ever again!" I stormed off with tears streaming down my face.

What did I just do?

not a dream ; connor franta fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now