Chapter 21

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-day of the party-

I sent all of Taylor's things to her parents, thinking that they probably would want them. Through the process of packing up the stuff, I had a lot of memories and crying fests. I know I'm supposed to be like manly and all that shit and not cry, but I can't help it when I think of her.

Anyways, it was about 8:30 and Jon said that he'd pick me up about 9. I didn't want to go anymore. I just wanted to stay home and watch Netflix the rest of the night and be alone.

Of course when he got here, he begged me to go.

"Please Connor! You promised!" He said in kind of a high pitched voice.

"No! I'm just not up to it right now." I said as I finally got off the sofa.

"It's Friday night, you have to go."

I stood there and thought about it. Maybe it would be good to get out for once. "fine." I saw his face light up. "But I'm only staying for a bit!" I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes. We walked out the door and were off to the party.


every girl there reminded me of Taylor. I knew this was a mistake. Everyone was drunk except for me and a few other people I didn't even know. People were bumping into me and I didn't like it. I kept looking for Jon (because he was my ride) and watching the door. I wanted to go home, even though I've been here for roughly 1 hour.

Then I saw someone. She had long, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. She looked as if she wasn't having a very good time either. I considered going up to her and making conversation, but I chickened out and just stood there.

"Hey Connor!" Jon said tapping on my shoulder making me snap out of my.daze. "Isn't this a great party?"

"No I want to go Home!" I whined. But he just turned away from me as if he didn't even hear me.

I looked over to where the girl was standing, but she had moved and wasn't there anymore.

I decided to just go outside and get some air. Maybe I would even walk home. I walked out the door and top my surprise, she was sitting outside also.

"Couldn't stand being in there either, huh." I said as I sat next to her on the grass.

"Yeah. I didn't even want to come anyway." She said sounding sad. "My names Nicole." She looked up at my eyes. Her eyes looked like blue jewls...just like Taylors.

"I'm Connor." I smiled and she smiled back.

We spent a few minutes just talking  about random things in life, until Jon came out 15 minutes later, and decided he wanted to leave.

"See you around Nicole!" I exclaimed as we drove away.

For once, I stopped thinking about Taylor and couldn't stop thinking about Nicole.

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