Chapter 31

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"Connor I'm hungry." Taylor said as she walked into the living room with a bowl of strawberries.

I laughed "Let's get Taco Bell." I got up off the couch and grabbed a strawberry.

"BITCH!" She yelled "Don't be stealing my strawberries!" she protected the bowl with her hands.

I stole another one. "Seriously! Let's get Taco Bell!"

"But I'm trying to be vegan! Everyone else in California is vegan so I figured i'd try it."

"You can be vegan tomorrow. Taco Bell is too good to pass up." I said as I scrolled on twitter.

"True! Leggo!" she yelled and ran out the door. We blasted 'fancy' by Iggy Azalea and 'the lonely' by Christina Perri. She scream-sung the whole way there, while I was driving.

We decided to just get tacos and Baja blasts through the drive-through.

"I shit you not, Baja blasts are the best." Taylor said out of no where.

I laughed at the random comment. "I thought target icees were the best..."

"They're both good!" we both laughed. Just then my phone vibrated next to me.

As I reached for it, Taylor grabbed it before me. "DONT YOU KNOW ITS UNSAFE TO TEXT AND DRIVE?" she yelled and gave me a look. She unlocked my phone and looked at the text.

"Who was it?" I asked as I took a sip of my Baja blast

"Jc. He asked if you wanted to film today."

"Say I'll be over in a few."

"Okay. Omg I can't wait to see them after like 10473826 years!" She texted quickly and locked my phone. We drive over there in a few minutes, and she ran to the door where she was greeted by Kian, Jc, Ricky, and Trevor.

Taylor's POV

I ran as fast as I could to their door. I was first greeted by Kian screaming, then hugging me.

Next was Trevor...also screaming.

Then Ricky. "Girl I haven't seen you in ages! I missed you!" he said

Last, was Jc. He was quiet. I ran up to him with open arms. "I missed you." he said into my shoulder

"I missed you too." I said back.

We were interrupted by Ricky yelling. "YOU WENT TO TACO BELL AND DIDNT BRING US ANYTHING!!?!"

I walked over to the kitchen where everyone was talking.

"Guys!" Kian yelled, "we should film videos now!"

The rest of the night we all filmed videos. Connor filmed with all of them, so did I, and all of us filmed a big ask video.

After the filming, we sat around and played Mario Kart. Jc and Kian were screaming at each other, Ricky was on his phone, Trevor was on his laptop, and me and Connor were cuddling and talking quietly.

"We should really get planning the wedding." I said as I interlocked our fingers.

"When shall we have it?" he said brushing hair out of my face.

"Let's do it in a few months. It doesn't have to be a big fancy wedding anyway." I answered.

"Good." He smiled, "I love you."

I smiled back. "I love you too." I gave him a peck on the lips.

"AWWWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE STOP BEING CUTE!" Ricky yelled. I smiled and lightly hit his shoulder.

Everyone laughed.

"Hey guys? Were planning our wedding to be in a few months, and I was wondering if you guys wanted to be my best men???" Connor asked.

"YAS CONNOR WE WOULD LOVE TOO!" Trevor spoke for everyone.


Me and Jc were battling to the death in Mario Kart now, screaming, yelling, throwing controllers, it was crazy. It was the last race and I was in 1st place. Jc was right behind me in 2nd.


Connor was watching intensely behind us.

I finally won and Jc got so mad! He picked me up and walked outside. Everybody watched from inside as he threw me in the pool.

"JC! WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed. I got out and tried to push him in. I grabbed his hands and tried to force him into the pool. Kian ran out.

"Want some help???" he said to me. Without letting me answer, he pushed Jc in the pool- a long with me because our hands were interlocked.

"KIAN!" we both yelled at the same time. I got out, shivering, while Jc was splashing water at Kian.

Connor ran out with a towel, and wrapped me in it. "That was really funny." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

I walked over to the pool to 'see what jc and Kian were up to', and like I wanted...Connor followed.

I grabbed his hand. "You know what would be even more funny???"

Kian caught on quickly and laughed.

Just as he was going to answer, I pushed him in.


Me and Kian were just stood there, laughing our asses off.

"I love you too!" I yelled to him before walking back inside with Kian. I high fived him and went to get a bottle of water.

Jc walked in too with a towel. "That was hilarious." He said opening the fridge.

"Where's Connor?" I asked.

"Drying off." He said drinking from his bottle. "We should get lunch sometime. I haven't seen you in forever. We should like, catch up."

I smiled. "I'd love that. Only if you don't push me into a pool again..."

He smiled. "We'll see."

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