Chapter 32

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~the day after~

"Going somewhere?" Connor asked walking out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee.

"Yeah, me and Jc are getting lunch." I said getting my vans on by the door.

"But I want you to stay." He said holding the y in stay. He put his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

I turned around to face him. "I'll see you in a few hours though." I smiled and lightly kissed him.

"I'll miss you." He said kissing me once again.

"I have to go now..." I said, not really wanting to leave anymore. I hugged him "I love you."

"I love you too." He said hugging me tight.

I pulled away from the hug and walked out the door. I met Jc at the o2l house.

"Hey!" Jc said as he opened the door and greeted me with a hug.

"Where to today???" I asked as we walked together out of the house and down the pavement.

"You'll see." He smiled and continued walking. We talked and caught up a bit until we got to a Really nice Chinese restaurant.

We walked in and got sat down at a table. "So I was thinking, maybe after this we could go to the mall." He said.

"Sure, that sounds nice!" I said taking a sip of water. "So how's you and Lia?"

He smiled at the sound of her name. "It's going great. I really like her."

I smiled back. "That's good. Remember when we thought we were right for eachother?"

He chuckled "Yeah just to get back at Connor for ..... Something - I forget."

"Those were the good old days." I smiled in memory. "The days when you weren't stressing about your wedding."

He laughed "Yeah what are the deets on that??"

"I don't know yet. Connor wants to have a wedding in a place filled with cats."

"Sounds like something Connor would suggest!"

We ate really good Chinese food and talked a bit more before we walked- mostly skipped because were little kids at heart- down the pavement.

When we got to the mall, I insisted on getting Starbucks.

"I've never properly had Starbucks before." He admitted. My mouth dropped open.

We stood in line. "You should get something." I suggested.

"Ehh I hate coffee." He said before I heard a distant 'OH MY GOSH ITS JC CAYLEN!' And then a bunch of screaming girls ran towards us. Jc ran into the crowd of girls and started taking pictures with them.

I ordered my Starbucks and walked over to the group of girls, who started blowing me up with questions.
"Taylor, how are you still alive?" "Did Connor lie to us?" "Are you cheating on him with Jc?" "Is Jc cheating on Lia?"

I ignored those comments and took pictures with the people who wanted pictures.

The group of about 25 girls finally left after Jc said we had to go.

"Sorry about that. I heard what they were saying." He said as we walked to urban outfitters.

"Yeah I know. I can't blame them for being curious though."

"Let's just forget about this?" he held out a hand to shake.

I took his hand and shook it.

After a few stores, we decided to go home. We barely got anything, but it was fun. When we were walking out, we saw some of the fans from before near us, but whatever.

"Wait, Jc where's my sunglasses?" I asked feeling the top of my head.

He smiled. I smiled back at him. I saw his hands behind his back and reached for them. I grabbed his hand and opened it. I grabbed the other hand and saw the glasses in it. I was practically holding his hand, but in the end I got my sunglasses back so it was okay.

Jc walked me home, and I walked in on Connor on his laptop. Probably on twitter.

"Home from your date?"

"Date?" I asked confused.

"I saw pictures." He said getting up from the couch.

"Pictures of what? I don't know what your talking about." I took off my shoes and set down my phone.

"Suuuure." He sounded annoyed. He showed his laptop to me. I took it and saw a picture of me and looked like we were holding hands and we looked happy with each other.

"No Connor...I can explain."

"I don't want an explanation. Just...get out. Go spend time with Jc." He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Connor!" I yelled.

"Get out!" he yelled back. I saw a tear roll down his face.

I decided not to argue anymore. I grabbed my coat and my phone and walked out the door.

Why do all these bad things happen to me.

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