Chapter 35

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Taylor's POV

I've been talking to Jc a lot more since the incident. I don't know why, but I just feel guilty that him and Lia broke up partly because of me. It's been a week since me and Connor made up, and I've been shutting him out. We don't talk to each other like we used to and we don't act the same around each other. He's been hanging out with his friends, and I've been hanging out with mine, we weren't hanging out with each other.

"What's up with you and Connor?" Andrea asked as we sat on the ground of the lounge eating pizza at Andrea and Jenn's new house.

"Honestly, no idea. We haven't been speaking lately." I responded taking a bite of my pizza.

"Maybe you should talk to him. I mean, you're getting married in a few months." Jenn added.

"True. But I dont know guys, its just that after I came back I thought everything as going to be perfect." Just then I got a text from Connor.

Connor: we need to talk when you get back.

Me: alright be back in a few.

I told them what he texted and they suggested I go back and see what he needed. I left right away and drove off. In the car I thought about evey possible thing he could want to talk about. Was it bad? We'll find out.

I nervously walked to the front door and opened it slowly to see Connor on his laptop. He instantly closed it when he saw me walk in. "What do we need to talk about?" I asked sitting next to him on the sofa.

"Well...we haven't exactly been acting like a couple the past week. You never talk to me anymore. I miss the days where we were best friends back in Minnesota. But those days are over and it's just not the same." He went on.

"What are you trying to say, Connor?"

"I'm trying to say...that we should- you know, take a break." He spit out.

My heart sunk. I thought he loved me. "Y-you're breaking up with me?" I held back tears as much as I could. I looked down at my feet wondering what I did wrong. Suddenly I got angry. "Whatever. You can take your ring back too." I took off the engagement ring and threw it at him before storming out of the house, slamming the door. I let the tears run as I got in my car and sat there crying. I thought we were going to get married and live a happy life, but I guess not.

I drove back to Andrea and Jenn's just wanting company.


"He broke up with you??!" Andrea cried hugging me as we walked to the lounge where Jenn was still eating pizza.

"Guys I don't know what I did." I said wiping tears.

"C'mon Taylor, you can do way better than Connor. He's just a heartbreaker who doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah, but I don't understand why he would break up with me months before our wedding!" I said letting more tears spill out of my eyes. "I just want to die right now." I quietly mumbled.

A/N: sorry it's short :/ anways, there is only going to be 41 chapters and then it's over! sorry if it makes u sad, but I might make more fanfics and they could be any other person if you guys don't want Connor, so yeah. BYE <3

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