Chapter 39

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Taylor's POV

Connor and I got married a few months after that day. We took things slow for a while until we both realized we couldn't take it anymore and just wanted to get married so badly.

We got married on the same beach he proposed to me at. It was magical. Everyone we loved was there, the O2l boys, my friends, both our familys, and even Nicole and Luke were there. We'd all become good friends after everything came into place. Nicole and Luke are actually dating now. It's kinda nice to be able to not stress about anything now, because everything is just perfect.

We had like an after party a few blocks away from where the beach was and it was just as fun.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Connor stood up from the table when everyone was eating dinner. Once everyone quieted down, he began to speak. "Okay. So first I'd like to say thank you for coming out to the most special night of our lives, it means a lot to us." He smiled down at me. "So I met Taylor back in primary school, and was good friends with her up until college. I've had a huge crush on her ever since I laid eyes on her. It was at recess and one of her friends threw something at my face. She was the one to come over and ask if I was okay, and of course I wasn't because it really hurt, but I said I was anyway because as long as there was a pretty girl in my presence, everything was okay! I realized I loved her the night we flew out to California and she fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane and I looked down and I was just so happy to have her in my life. Sure, we've had our ups and downs and fights here and there, but I have always loved her and always will. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with the one and only love of my life, Taylor Franta."

Everyone clapped and I was of course in tears. I was so happy to be marrying Connor. I was so happy for everything right now.

We had our first dance to Ed Sheeran's song Thinking Out Loud. And I just think that made the night even more special. Everything was special.

4 years after our wedding we had our first child, Cory James Franta. Connors YouTube career was bigger than ever and life was perfect. We lived in LA still close to all our friends and still close to the o2l boys. Jc would come over regularly with Lia, when Connor was away, to help me out with Cory and keeping myself sane.

Everything in my life was perfect right now, and it was all because of one person. Connor. I'm so grateful for him and everyone else, everyday.

"Remember when I made you poptarts that one time at my house and I was really awkward?" Connor asked as we were eating breakfast.

"Yeah." I giggled, because it's true he was really awkward. "What flavor were they? I forgot."

"Red Velvet." He smiled at the memory. "Man, life was great back then. But life is even more great now."

"Thank you." I said out of no where.

"For what?" he asked confused.

"For being there for me. For being my friend through everything."

"No problem, babe." He smiled. "I'll always be your friend through everything."

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