Chapter 29

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"Taylor! Taylor wake up!" I nudged her as we landed in California.

She looked around confused, but not long after a smile spread on her face. "Really?!?"

I smiled back, "Really."

The flight attendant said something on the loud speaker and we got off the plane.

"I can't fucking wait to see Ricky and Jc and Kian and Andrea and Jenn and Trevor and Sam and Tyler and everyone else!!" Taylor babbled on.

The whole time I was thinking about what she was going to say about Nicole. Maybe...I could distract her for just enough time to get Nicole out and Taylor will never know.

As we got in the car I though of something really quick. "Hey, how about we pay a visit to the guys' house and-"

"But I'm tired and I just want to go home." She whined.

"...okay never mind then." I said softly.

We sat in silence the rest of the ride home. When we finally got home, I tried to stall her but it didn't work. I carried our things in while she walked behind me. I opened the door to see Nicole sitting on the couch.

"You're back!" she screamed excitedly.

"...Who's this..." Taylor said sounding annoyed.

"Listen, I was thinking about the kiss and-" Nicole babbled on.

Shit not the kiss!!!

"What kiss." Taylor immediately perked up.

"It's nothing. My friend was just leaving." I said annoyed. I pushed Nicole out the door. She eventually left and I put our things in the room.

Taylor was on the verge of crying in the lounge. "How could you kiss her?!!"

"Listen-" I grabbed her hand. She pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed.

"Taylor, you have to understand that I was so upset when I thought you died. I knew I had to move on, so I met Nicole and she looked so much like you and acted so much like you that I actually felt like I was with you. She made me happy but I didn't have feelings for her. I made myself think that I liked her, but deep down, I couldn't let you go." I said gradually getting quieter.

She looked at me. "Really? So you don't have feelings for her?"

"I love you and will only love you for the rest of my life."

A/N: sorry short again. So anyways, I have nothing to read so if you write any o2l fanfics leave them in the comments and I'll check some out. Luvu (: x

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