Chapter 38

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"Look, I like you and all, and you're a really nice guy sorry. I still love Connor. I mean- we were supposed to get married and I don't think I can just throw that away." I said looking down.

"No... I totally understand." He answered quietly. "Well I should get going."

As Luke walked to his car I just watched. I felt like I should say something but I really needed to find Connor. I needed to tell him that breaking up was a big mistake. By the time I was done thinking, Luke was gone and whatever we had was over. I might sound really rude but, I didn't care he was gone.

I ran inside to grab my keys and a jacket quickly, and tried to start my car.

I turned the key again and again and again and it wouldn't start!

"Fucking go you stupid car!" I screamed. I gave up and just sat there looking out the window after a few minutes. That's when I realized, it was raining. "Shit." I said under my breath. I panicked and started to try to get my car to start. It wouldn't budge. Whatever. I just need to find Connor, now. I opened and slammed the car door behind me as I started running towards where I saw him last, the coffee shop.

Connors POV

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home?" Nicole asked me.

"No, I think I'm just gonna stay here for a while longer. But thanks." I looked down at my coffee that was already a quarter way gone.

"We've been here for almost 2 hours-" she let out a slight chuckle.

"I said no thanks." My voice raised a bit but I instantly caught it and looked down again.

"Okay. Bye." She left without another word. I was kind of relieved. I know I was supposed to be making Taylor jealous, but I just couldn't handle Nicole anymore. All I thought about was Taylor. This whole time. I needed to make things right with her.

I got up out of my seat and started walking towards her the rain.

I swerved through business people with big umbrellas, to couples being too PDA to describe, to old people who walked really slow. Until I heard my name being called.

I looked around until I saw Taylor walking towards me. I instantly stopped, and so did she. For a few seconds we just looked at each other wondering what we were gonna do. Until I couldn't take it anymore, and hugged her. She hugged back and it made me feel better.

"What are you doing walking around in the rain?" I asked breaking the hug.

"I should ask the same to you." She giggled.

"Okay. I was looking for you. I wanted to... make things right." I choked out.

She just looked at me for a second. "You think after all you put me through -months before our wedding!- I would forgive you just like that?"

"Well yeah I-"

"Connor you ought to be crazy because this isn't just a dream and I'm not gonna just forgive you like that." She sighed "Things like that don't just happen in real life."

"Okay I get it. But can you at least give me a chance, please?" I begged.

Taylor had a crooked smile on her face that I knew said yes to my question. She jumped to me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she connected her lips to mine.

"I missed you so much." She mumbled against my lips.

"I missed you too"

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