Chapter 16

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"So where are we going?" I asked as we drove in Connors old car that he had when he was 16.

"Just some place." He answered.

"Is it a surprise?" I said excitedly.

"Yes, it's a surprise." He laughed.

I smiled. We got to the restaurant, which wasn't too fancy but not like McDonalds either. "Wow this is actually pretty nice!" I commented.

We talked for a while and got our food after about 15 minutes.

"I love you." Connor said out of no where.

"Why..what did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to know that I love you."

"Oh..." I paused for a second. "I love you too." I smiled and he smiled back. We grabbed each others hands from across the table. Before we did so, I rolled up my sleeves about elbow length because it was a bit humid in here.

"Connor?" I asked. He just stared at something ok the table or something. There was a blank expression mixed with a scared or worried expression. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He didn't answer for a while, but finally spoke up. "Why did you do that?" He said without moving.

"...Do what?" I asked confused.

He reached his other hand across the table. He traced scars from my cuts. At the moment my heart sunk. How could I be so stupid and let him notice?!

"I..oh um...its nothing." I pulled my hand away quickly.

" promised." He said, his voice soft and quiet.

I looked down. "I'm sorry." I said starting to tear up.

"Why?" he said as I looked up at him. His face full of sadness and anger. "Why would you ever do that?" he half-yelled.

"I didn't mean-"

"Yes you did. Why would you do that?" his voice got quieter. "Do you have any idea what it'd be like without you in my life? I'd be a mess." He wiped a tear from his face. "A-and you promised. You said you wouldn't! and you go right ahead and do it anyway!" he said angrily. He stood up and walked right out of the restaurant. Without thinking, I walked after him.

"Connor I'm sorry! I promise never to do it again." I yelled after him. He stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"No! you're not sorry! You always say your sorry but you don't really mean it! you just think about yourself and no one else! it's always you you YOU!" He shouted.

"But I really mean it-" I said quietly back.

"No you don't! you know what...i never want to see you ever again! I'm done with you!" he yelled. Everything went silent.

At that moment...i stopped caring. I gave in. Tears still flowed down my face as I walked over to him, took off my engagement ring, and violently handed it to him. "Whatever! Were THROUGH!" I yelled and walked away. This place wasn't that far away from my house anyway.

But the whole time I was walking on the streets with barely any cars, I was thinking of Connor. And the thought of him leaving my life forever...just made me so upset. I'm never going to see his beautiful face ever never going to spend my life with never going to feel safe in his arms again.

I crossed the street oblivious of my surroundings. All I thought about was Connor. How happy we happy I was.

At that second all I heard was the screeching of tires and a crash and everything went black.

CONNORS POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched as she walked away crying. I held the engagement ring I gave to her and walked the other direction to my car. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to go anywhere. I stayed in my car holding the ring. After about 30 minutes of debating whether or not I should call her...i finally got up the nerve and dialed her number.

One ring. Then right to voice mail. Her voice telling me to leave a message.

"Um...hi Taylor. I was just, uh calling to say that leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made. I feel empty without you. I shouldn't have told you those things. It was just anger. I didn't really mean it. I guess the thing I'm trying to say is that I love you and always will. I hope you can forgive me." I paused and finally said "bye."

*the next day*

I sat in my room the whole day playing with the ring she had returned to me. Still no call back. I had my phone on my bed next to me so that I could answer right away if she called back.

Finally my phone rang, but it was some number I didn't know.


"Connor? This is Taylor's mum." She sounded like she had been crying. Wait, why would her mum call me?

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Well, I just want to give you unfortunate news. I don't know if you were already informed, but Taylor had been hit by a drunk driver yesterday."

What. My heart sunk as soon as she said that. "Is she going to be alright?!" I asked panicked.

"Well...the worst news, is that she had died as soon as she got hit." Her mum said, her voice sounding dry and quiet.

"What." I paused for a second in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding."

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