Chapter 4

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"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you!" Connor said turning down his music.

"What." I replied blankly

"I met a girl who I really like. And I asked her to get coffee with me tomorrow." I looked over and saw him smiling to himself.

My heart just sunk. "Thats..great!" I replied faking my enthusiasm.

"So can we like forget about that one time we kissed? pretend it never happened?" He said as we drove away.

" yeah I guess so." I was really upset about this, but I don't know why.

Was I jealous? no...i can't barely like him that much.

But what if I was really in love with him...

No! I'm happy for him.

No you're jealous!

Why am I segueing with you, you're in my head!

"I'm happy for you." I smiled over at him, letting my head take over my feelings.

We finally reached the house and didn't say a word to each other the rest of the night.

"Jc!!!!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs to his room.

"What." He looked up from his phone.

"I need to tell you something."

He patted next to him on his bed signaling me to come over and sit down.

"What is it." He had a sincere tone in his voice, like he actually cared.

" know that I have a little crush on Connor right?"

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious."

"And he met a girl today and is going on a date with her tomorrow. I want to feel happy for him, but I can't help feeling jealous." I said twiddling my thumbs.

"Maybe you need to get Connor off your mind for a while."


"Give me a chance?" he shrugged.

I thought about it. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Maybe he was right, I needed someone else to make Connor jealous.

"Maybe that'll be a good idea..."

"Are you serious right now?!" he cut me off.

So many thoughts were running through my mind right now. My dream. It always came back to me at important moments. Should i kiss him? Or would that be slutty like I was in my dream..I don't know. This isn't a dream.

I went in for the kiss out of no where, and he kissed me back. It was a pretty good kiss, he wasn't that bad after all I guess.

not a dream ; connor franta fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now