Chapter 37

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"You broke up with her and now want to make her jealous?" She asked confused.

"Well, she's trying to make me jealous so...why not play the same game as her." I scratched my neck, kind of nervous that she would say no.

She stayed quiet for a while before she spoke "I never really liked her anyway."

"So is that a yes?"

"Why not?" I could sense she was smirking.


Taylor's POV (a few days later)

I haven't seen or heard from Connor yet. But I still wanted him back more than anything. He was mad at me and probably didn't want me back though

We would always indirect each other on twitter and he would tweet pictures with that stupid bitch Nicole. But I would post pictures with Luke too so... I guess we're even.

What did I even do wrong?

Whatever. I took Luke to Starbucks hoping I would see Connor there, since he goes there every single fucking day of the week.

We sat down and just talked for a while as we drank our coffee. Well, Luke had a smoothie because he doesn't like coffee. What kind of person doesn't like coffee? Everybody like coffee.

Every now and then the door would open and I would look up hoping it would be Connor. It never was.

"What do you keep looking at?" Luke asked me as he chuckled.

"Oh...nothing." I fake smiled and kept on sipping my coffee.

About the time we were deciding to leave, Connor and Nicole walked in and sat down across the room from us.

Connor was wearing a floral shirt. He knows I love floral shirts on him. He had on his toms that I always used to put on because they were comfortable. His black SnapBack was tilted on his head so that you could see his perfect Quiff of hair. But his smile was different. I could tell he was faking smiles while talking to Nicole.

I eyed him down for a good 20 seconds until Luke caught me out of my daydream.

"Tay?" he asked shaking my shoulder.

I blinked "Sorry. Let's go." I grabbed his hand and saw Connor looking at us in the corner of my eye.

Me and Luke walked around in the park until 6 that night. It felt wrong. I was thinking about Connor the whole time.

When he drove me home, I was kind of relived because I needed time to think. Think about life.

"I had a great time today." He smiled.

I smiled back, but that smiled faded soon after that. I didn't say anything back.

He caressed my cheek and began to spoke soon after that. "Listen, I've been having a great time with you these past few days."

Don't say it.

"And I've been wanting to ask you something."

Pleeeeaaase don't.

He looked down and then back up again. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I just stood there looking at him. I like him, but I love Connor. He's the one I need. But Connors been a jerk...and Luke's been there for me. I guess I need to choose.

I sighed. "Luke..."

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