Chapter One Grace's Despair

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"Come on Jack! We aint got all day!"

Andy Sugden was rushing around, getting packed ready to leave. Emmerdale was no longer the happy place that he loved so much, in the past year, he had endured losing his job, his wife, a relationship with his elder daughter Sarah and he had barely any money left to keep him afloat. He was moving to Durham where he hoped that Jack would attend the university next year. He wanted his only son to be something and achieve what he wanted to achieve, not be like him. He looked in the mirror: Not bad for someone pushing fifty but he was getting fat and his greying dark brown hair was going thin at the top. He sighed heavily as he shouted for Jack.

"Jack will you hurry up?! The removal men will be hear in a minute!" He shouted just as there was a knock at the door. Sighing, Andy opened it.

Grace Barton was standing in the doorway, looking upset. He liked her, she was lovely girl, the daughter of his dear departed best friend and she had been a very good friend to Jack.

"I cant believe your leaving." She said wiping her eyes, the mascara running down her face. Andy nodded,

"We have no choice. Theres nothing to keep us here anymore." Andy replied as Jack came downstairs with his bag over his shoulder. He looked at Grace and held her close as she cried in his chest.

"Ill miss you so much. You'll always have a special place in my heart." She sobbed, thinking back to their one night stand just before christmas. No one knew about it but it was still fresh in their minds. Jack stroked her cheek and held her once more.

"Ill never gorget you and I promise to visit you as often as i can." Jack vowed as the removal men arrived. Andy and Jack finished their packing and loaded the stuff into the van before Andy took one last look of the place.

So many memories good and bad. He would miss it all. He took out a picture frame and gave it to Grace.

"I want you to have this. This is the last picture me and John had together. Ive got loads of him and Its only fair you have it because you never got to know him." Andy said with a smile.

Andy and Jack got in the car and before he drove away, Andy added,

"Spoke to your mum. She wishes us well. In fact it was her idea that we make a fresh start. After everything that has happened."

Grace looked at him. Her mother? Moira?

"My mum convinced you to go? She didnt persuade you to stay?" Grace repeated and Andy nodded,

"She thought it would be best for all of us. She and John always looked out for me. Give her my love and tell her ill visit soon. Bye." Andy said as he drove away with Jack looking at Grace till he disappeared from view. Grace began to cry, the cold January air doing nothing to rouse her. She felt numb with sadness. She hoped for something more with Jack and now it seemed it wouldn't happen.

And she felt betrayed. By her mother.

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