Chapter 17 A new Beginning

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Grace was lying in bed. She was stuck in a difficult position. She was married to someone she didnt love and she was pregnant with another mans child. She was trapped and as she heard Kyles snores next to her, she began to cry.
Her life was such a mess and she didnt know what to do.
She got out of bed and went downstairs, pouring herself a cup of tea before sitting at the table.
Her father was on her mind and he wasnt leaving it. She remembered when she was little, her mother sitting her at the table explaining why she didn't have a Daddy like all the other kids did. How her Daddy was up in heaven with her granddad Harry. Since then both her grandmothers had died and Grace liked to believe that John wasn't alone. But she didnt know whether thete was a life after death, as a child she had been told there was heaven and hell, being stuck in limbo and reincarnation. She didnt know which existed. She looked at her baby bump. The third trimester was here and she feared it. She knew the baby was due soon and she was excited and terrified at the same time.

As she sipped her tea, she could hear the cows mooing outside. She laughed to herself. This was her life. Listening to cows, sheep and pigs making a racket instad of training to be a nurse, a career she had wanted to persue since childhood. She finished her tea and headed to bed. No good wishing it never came true.

Grace was brushing Lucys mane when Aaron approached her.
"Hey Aaron you ok?" Gracd called out. Aaron nodded then whispered,

"Can i speak to you?"

Grace nodded and followed him to the outside of the woolpack.

"I heard what was said. I know Kyle is not the dad." Aaron mumbled and Grace looked stunned.

"Listen Aaron im so sorry for decieving him but...." Grace started to say but Aaron cut her off.

"As much as i care a great deal about you, Kyle is family. He needs to know the truth, you cant let him raise a kid that isnt his. You need to tell him the truth even if you have to wait until the baby is born. Please tell him soon. Hell be hurt but at least youve been honest with him."

Grace knew Aaron was right and when Robert called out,

"Aaron, we need barrells changing!"

Aaron hugged her close.

"Think about what i said." He whispered in her ear and walked back inside. Grace watched him go and retreated back to Lucy.

As Grace led Lucy back to her stable, Ross approached her and rished ober.

"What the hell you doing?! You should leave that for Moira to do!"

Grace rolled her eyes.

"Im fine Ross! Stop interfering. Think about your own kids!" Grace yelled and Ross grabbed her by the arm.

"At least I care about my kids which is more than what can be said for you!" Ross yelled back and Grace shoved him onto the haystack.

"Dont tell me to what to do! Your not my dad!At least my mother isnt a deranged lunatic like yours is!" Grace shouted and she walked away but as she did, she doubled over in pain.

"Grace are you alright?" Ross asked, suddenly concerned. Grace nodded then a gush of water ran down her legs, soaking her leggings.

"Ill go and get Moira!" Ross said and he ran to Butlers.

Grace was terrified. The baby was on the way.

Grace was in pain. It was to late for her to go to hospital so Lisa had set up the barn for her to get comfy. Grace was terrified, Moira was holding her hand but there was no sign of Kyle. April was holding Graces other hand and Adam and Victoria were standing watching. Grace started to howl in pain.

The Sunshine Girl #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now