Chapter Three Birthday Blues

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February arrived and it was Grace's Eighteenth Birthday. She woke up early feeling excited as this was a main birthday and that she finally could be served alcohol. She smiled as she opened her birthday cards reading the heartfelt messages that were sent. She got out of bed and put her dressing gown on. As she walked down the stairs she could see Aaron and Adam were already there, Lily,Harry and Tommy all came over to her hugging her, even Lily even though she was going through the stroppy teenage stage. Adam hugged and kissed his sister and passed her a present. Grace opened it and smiled,
"A contour kit! Cheers Adam!" She exclaimed hugging him again. Adam smiled,
"No probs sister but it was Vics Idea to get it you. Always knows what you like doesnt she?" He added with a laugh and Grace grinned. Even in his late thirties, Adam still looked good as did Aaron and they still made regular trips to the gym. It was then Grace realised that Moira wasn't about.
"Mums at the crematorium I suppose." Grace said sadly, her birthday always made her mother sad as well as happy as it was on the day she was born that her father died after a horrific car crash. Adam rubbed her back,
"Dont let it get you down babes." He said softly and Grace shrugged,
"Why is it Dad's death always weighs on mums happiness that I was born?" Grace asked. Adam smiled,
"Why dont we go and see him? Keep Mum company." Adam suggested and Grace noddee and went upstairs to get dressed but she was reached the top of the stairs, she suddenly felt sick and rushed to the toilet, throwing up. Grace thought this was strange but then she realised that she had been feeling like this for days and surely this meant one thing. After she got dressed, she headed downstairs and she and Adam and Aaron headed to the crematorium.

The place was quiet and the grounds were covered in frost. Moira stood in front of Johns memorial placing the flowers carefully next to it. She had tears running down her face as she saw the messages that her children had written.
"Oh John." She whispered sadly and she kissed her fingers and touched the plaque. If he had lived they would have been married forty years. Forty years. Instead they only had twenty two years together.Grace and Adam stood behind her put a hand on each of her shoulders. Moira got up startled,
"You both made me jump!" She exclaimed and Grace hugged her then stared back at the plaque.
"Dad should be here." Grace said and Adam nodded,
"Best dad in the world he was. He wouldve loved you. No, he already did, first time mum put you in his arms he smiled and he named you as well." Adam said as tears started falling. Grace kissed the plaque and whispered,
"I love you Daddy."
She stood up and as they were about to leave, Moira stopped.
"Oh I want you to have this." She took out a small package from the pocket of her coat and passed it to Grace. Grace opened the package and took out a small box and opened it gasping. It was a small heart shaped locket.
"Oh Mum! Its beautiful! Thank you!" She exclaimed hugging her mother.
"Your dad gave it to me on our wedding day.I kept it for many years." Moira said as she put the locket round her daughters neck. Grace smiled as they walked on, Grace needed to pop to the chemist.

Later that night, Grace, dressed in a black mini dress with silver stilettoes and wearing her mothers locket, she looked dressed to kill. She, Moira, Emma, Debbie,Charity,Vanessa and Angelica all were drinking heavily in the woolpack and Grace was having a great time. She was dancing widely and was attracting alot of attention. Emma rolled her eyes at her. Attention seeking brat she thought as she smiled with the rest of them. Belle arrived and gave Grace her present, holding her son Benny's hand while rubbing her huge baby bump. Grace looked at the bump and headed to the toilet.

"No No No!" Grace mumbled loudly and frustratingly as she looked at the pregnancy test.
She couldnt be! She cant be pregnant!
What was she going to do? She wanted to go to university in September and study to become a nurse but now it seemed that wouldnt happen.
She could have an abortion behind her families back. They would never know but then again they would find out somehow, Emma could find out being the nosy cow that she was. She couldnt believe that she was gonna be a mum at eighteen, it was unreal. She grabbed her phone out of her bag and dialled a number.

A few days later, Moira had brought over all of the family for a family dinner. Though it was crowded, Moira was happy to see everyone all together. Most of her grandchildren were seated at the table and she felt maternally proud to see everyone looking happy. As she carved the meat, Ross said happily,
"Big happy family thats what we are. One big happy family." He ruffled his son Moses's hair as he said this and James nodded in agreement. Emma rolled her eyes,
"Yeah and were also a family full of secrets arent we?" She remarked and Grace was unnerved to see that she was looking at her when she said this. Moira stopped carving,
"Whats that supposed to mean?" She snapped and Emma kept her eyes on Grace.
"Why dont you ask your precious daughter?" She said smugly. Grace swallowed nervously. Moira looked confused and James looked at Emma and shook his head.
"Will someone tell me whats going on?" Moira asked irritably. Ross and Finn looked at each other while Moses mumbled,
"Oh here we go."
Emma sat up and said smugly,
"Ask your daughter if shes pregnant with your former stepsons baby."
Adam nearly choked on his veg while Holly looked horrified. Grace went white with fear as Moira stopped dead and looked at her.
"Emma why dont you shut up?!" James whispered furiously. Emma continued talking,
"Yeah shes pregnant and Kyle is the father. I heard her talking to him the night of her birthday. So it looks like your daughters life is over." She added and Grace finally snapped. Grabbing the jug of gravy , she walked over to Emma and tipped the contents over her head. The yells of protwst and Emma, Moira and Hollys screams caused Grace to rush upstairs in humilation. Her news had sent shockwaves for the family. Emma sat there gravy dripping down her face and onto the floor while Moira rushed after Grace.
"Thanks alot mum, youve spoiled the dinner!" Ross hissed and James grabbed Emmas arm and dragged her out of the house,
"You asked for that!" He snapped as the door shut.

Grace was sobbing in her room, wearing a pink dressing gown with her hair down. She was playing her music box that had once been her grandmothers and all she could think off was her unborn baby. Truth be told she didnt know who the father was. The baby was either concieved before christmas with Jack or on the fields with Kyle.
Just then, Moira came in, carrying a mug of tea in her hands.
"Darling, you do know you have a decision to make." She said softly, tucking her hair behind her ears. Grace nodded,
"I already have. Im keeping the baby." Grace replied and sipped her tea. Moira was stunned.
"You sure? I thought you wanted to go to university?" She remarked, Grace sighed.
"I want this baby so bad. I want to be the parent that my Dad was. Sometimes i cant help thinking that things would have been different if Dad were here." Grace said sadly, grabbing the family picture that had her siblings, her mother and father in.
"Maybe they wouldve been. Maybe Emma wouldve stayed away, he didnt like her. I love your Dad so much, you know that dont you? When he died, a part of me died with him. But life goes on darling." Moira responded, her voice full of emotion.
"I never go to know him. He lived long enough to name me and hold me for half an hour before dying. Do you think he wouldve loved me?" Grace said sadly hugging her knees. Moira nodded,
"Definately. He loved all of you. We Bartons know how to love. We know what love is. He would've adored you, you'd been spoilt by him, being the youngest.Your the sunshine girl, my saving grace." Moira held her youngest daughter in her arms for a while before leaving the room.
Grace stared at the ceiling in the darkness, her thoughts about her father. She always envied everyone at school when they did stuff for fathers day because she knew that she disnt have a Dad and she was envious of the fact that her elder siblings jad known him and she didnt. She wished he was here, she longed for his paternal guidance, particularly now. She turned on her side and stared at the family picture, whispering,
"Help me Daddy. I need your guidance, give me a sign."
As she settled into a restless sleep, she thought about the fact that the Bartons were a hard working family.

They always had been.

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