chapter 13 True love never dies

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February 2012

"Come on Moira, eat something."

Diane was pushing a bowl of soup towards Moira who wasnt eating properly. She had made herself very ill since she and John had split up. She also was due any day now and the fact that she wasnt eating was not good.

"Moira think about the baby if nothing else." Diane said holding Moiras hand while Victoria started brushing Moiras hair, Moira felt sick.

"I cant eat Diane. I feel to ill." Moira mumbled pushing the bowl away.Diane sighed,

"You have made yourself weak by not eating Moira. You need to start eating properly again otherwise youll be sent to hospital."

Moira suddenly felt warm and she stood up,

"Can you open the window please?" She asked and Diane opened it.

"Im gonna rest now if thats ok. Ill eat later I promise." She said softly going to the bedroom and shutting the door before sobbing into her pillow once more. She felt she had lost everything and it was all her fault.

Sometime later, Diane went outside the bedroom door and knocked,
"Moira!" She called knocking but there was no answer. She knocked again,

"Moira Ive made some sandwiches please come and eat." She called again then she started to shove the door before kicking it open.

Moira wasnt there, the window was wide open.

"Oh god no!" Diane shouted as she looked out of the window, Moira had gone missing, having completely lost her mind.

John was cleaning out the barn when he could hear frantic yelling coming from the distance. For a minute he thought it was drunken people coming from a night out but then he heard what they were shouting,

"Moira! Where are you?!" Diane was yelling, Chas also was shouting for Moira. John rushed into the fields while Hannah and Holly watched from the upstairs window,

"Diane, Val whats going on?!" John called out and they raced over.
"Shes gone missing! She hasnt been eating for days and we think she has totally lost it!" Diane cried.
John was really worried. Not only was his wife in danger but his unborn baby too.

"Moira! Where are you?! Please come back! Moira!" John shouted out. Adam and Aaron heard the frantic shouts and rushed over, joining in on the search.

Moira was crawling across the fields in the direction of the forest, weakened by lack of food and devastation.

"JOHN!" She cried out weakly, grabbing the dirt and throwing it over her. She felt like dirt, something that no one wanted. She felt filthy for what she had done. She sobbed so much that she ended up passing out.....

She was found by John within half an hour and he cried as he picked up and held her carrying her back to the woolpack while the ambulance crew examined her.

John was waiting outside when one of the ambulance crew came out,
"Mrs Barton is over the worst now. I would advise to keep an eye on her though particulary in her condition." She said before she left. John put his head in his hands.

Diane brought over a mug of tea for him as they sat at the table.

"That poor woman has totally lost it, what on earth was she thinking?!" Diane muttered furiously as she sipped her tea while John remained silent as he thought of his estranged wife and unborn child. He felt bad for her and the love he still had for her was overpowering.
"I dont know what to do Diane." He said softly. Diane held his hand.
"People make mistakes John. We have to live with it. I know what happened shouldnt have happened but she does genuinely love you. I know because i made the same mistake she did." Diane said looking down. John looked at her intrigued.
"I loved Jack and i still do even though hes gone. But whilst he was away visiting Annie, i made a huge mistake. I had an affair.....with Andys real father. Billy Hopwood he was called. I dont know why it happened. I pitied him. He seemed to genuinely want to make amends with Andy I suppose and I helped him and it just started from there. I felt ever so guilty. I loved Jack and when he came back he found out and i thought id lose him forever but i didnt. He wrote me a letter before he died." Diane stopped and passed John the letter which he read and his heart broke. Jack had always been good to his family and it was a shame that Joe and his mother never worked out. Joe would have treated her fantastically.
"If you really love Moira then i wouldnt let a mistake like that ruin the years that youve been togther." Diane added and John started to think.

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