Chapter 6 Finacial Woes

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Harry sighed heavily as he reached for a bottle of scotch. Frank Tate had moved to the Village with his mistress soon to be wife Kim and his kids Chris and Zoe and as Harry feared, he was planning to carry out his original idea of turning the land to houses. This couldn't have come at a bad time for Harry, who had just celebrated the fact that John and Moira were engaged and James and Emma had just married a few weeks earlier. He should have been celebrating but he couldnt. Frank was on his mind. Violet came in carrying the washing of the line and sat down,
"Harry your gonna have to calm down, this stressing will make you ill. Mr Tate cant do anything without proper planning permission." Violet assured but Harry shook his head,
"Now hes in the village, theres no stopping him! Hell fight tooth and nail to get what he wants!" Harry thundered banging his fists on the table.
Violet sighed, since his alteration with Frank, his temper had gotten out of control. She decided to head out to the village and see Annie Sugden as she would know what to do.

Harry was in the woolpack with John and James and Amos was a little unsure about serving him as he could tell Harry had quite a few, money was tight for the Bartons, they hardly had any customers in the past couple of weeks and this was worrying.
"I dont get why no one is coming. The stock we have is pure class and i cant see why no one wants to buy." Harry ranted as he sipped his pint and John and James looked at each other.
"Thank god ive got my Vi. My sunshine lady, shes been there for me." Harry went on and the two young men realised that he was drunk. Just then Frank came in with his daughter Zoe and Kim and Harry clenched his fist.
"Dad please dont make a scene." John whispered but it was too late as Frank came over.
"Well well well if it isnt the fabulous Barton boys!" He exclaimed and James rolled his eyes,
"Get lost will you? Were trying to have a drink with our old man now leave us alone." James snapped and Frank grinned,
"You must be proud of your gypsy boys Mr Barton." He said and Harry leapt up,
"My sons arent gypsy's Mr Tate! Why cant you just leave me alone instead of tormenting me all the while?! You know what were going through at the moment!" Harry yelled and this caused everyone to look up.
"Temper temper." Kim muttered causing John to give her the death stare. Frank laughed,
"You and your family is a joke Mr Barton, you can barely keep that farm afloat. Which is why im planning to flatten the areas and modernise by putting some houses up." Frank sneered and Harry punched him causing an uproar. The scuffle lasted a few minutes before Amos shouted,
"Get out of here now!"
John and James lead their father out and Frank held his hand over his eye while Zoe grabbed a cloth and passed it to him.

"Dad what on earth you playing at?" John yelled as Joe and Jack sat Harry down on the sofa.
"The man is poison. Hes trying to evict us from the farm! Ive had up to here with him!" Harry shouted and James sighed pouring him a large scotch.
John shook his head and decided to head upstairs and get on the phone to Moira.
"I fear for my families future. My mother always said our family was cursed and she was right. I lost my father when I was young when he got run over by a tractor by your father." Harry mumbled and Joe and Jack looked at each other.
"I should've hated your family but I didnt. My mother was my sunshine girl before Violet was. I feel im letting my family down." Harry cried and Joe sat beside him rubbing his back,
"Your not Harry. Your a brilliant father but times are hard for all of us."
Harry smiled a little,
"I dont know what id do without you two I really dont." He said honestly and the Sugden brothers smiled.

Just then Violet burst in,
"Harry! I think ive found a solution!" She cried and the three men stood up,
"Ive spoken to a man called Tom King. He doesnt live round here but hes associated with Frank Tate. He says he can gives us a loan to pay off Frank." She announced and Harrys jaw dropped.
"Tom King? The name rings a bell but I cant think why. But thats great news. When can he give us the loan?" He asked enthusiastically.
"Tonight, hes comung over." She said with a smile and Harry kissed her. She was a life saver was his Violet and he was proud to have married such a beautiful and clever woman.

For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to the new year and his younger sons upcoming nupitals.

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