Chapter Eleven Baby Love

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2011 had started off well. Holly was going from strength to strength to get off the drugs and the Bartons were back to their jovial ways. But there would be soon be some news that would be the icing on the cake and there would be a new problem to deal with.

In May Moira felt unwell, she had been sick for days and had a fainting spell in the woolpack while on duty. Naturally, The Bartons were very worried particulary when Hannah goggled Moiras symptoms and it came up with serious illnesses.

Moira and Diane were having a coffee in the Woolpack kitchen and Moira felt unwell again and rushed off to the toilet to be sick. Andy, who was downstairs with John, heard her throwing up and looked a John,
"How long has she been like that?" He asked as he drank his pint. John sighed,
"Nearly a month Andy. I don't know what's wrong with her. I thought it was a bug but now I'm not sure." Andy could tell by Johns voice that he was worried about Moira.
"Has she eaten anything that was off?" Andy asked and John shook his head.
"Has she got an infection?" Andy asked and John answered no. Then Andy went to ask again but hesitated,
"What?" John asked. Andy downed the rest of his pint,
"So you think she might be pregnant?" Andy asked and John didn't answer her. Andy looked at him narrowing his eyes,
"When was the last time you slept with her?" Andy asked and John looked at him,
"About a month ago. Surely she can't be pregnant. We did talk about it but after what happened with Holly We decided not too."
Andy grinned, "we'll it sounds to me like she is. Get her to do a test."

Later that night, when the kids had gone to bed, Moira took the pregnancy test and went into the bathroom. After three minutes, she took a look at the result.

She gasped, putting her hand to her mouth and calling for John.

It was positive. She was pregnant.

Over the next few days, Moira and John tried to come to terms with their news

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Over the next few days, Moira and John tried to come to terms with their news. They were both unsure at first about the pregnancy not knowing if it was the right thing to have another child after everything that had happened. But then they agreed that having a baby would be a good thing for all of them and they accepted the fact happily.

Moira called Holly Hannah and Adam into the living room while sat in front of them.
"Me and your mum have something to tell you." John said with a smile on his face. The kids looked at each other and wondered what was going on. Then Moira announced,
"I'm pregnant!"

Hannah hugged both her parents while Adam smiled and said congratulations but Holly just looked with no expression. She didn't understand why her parents wanted another baby after what happened the previous year with her.
"I thought you didn't want another baby." She spat folding her arms. John looked at her,
"Yeah we'll we do now. We want this baby. So do you want, a brother or a sister?" John said jovially and Holly rolled her eyes.
"I don't care. It's up to you what you have!" She snapped and she headed upstairs.
"She'll come round Dad." Adam said.

Eventually Holly came round to the idea of a new baby in the house and the Bartons were very happy with their expectant arrival.

But then Adam made a huge mistake. He crossed Declan Macey. Adam had been seeing Declan's daughter Mia since new year and it was a serious relationship but Mias mother Ella had also set her sights on him and he had been powerless to resist her. They started an affair behind Mia and Declan's back which only Moira was aware off when she saw Ella and Adam kissing in the car. When Declan found out he was furious. He kicked Ella out and sacked Adam.

Moira and John were kissing in the kitchen and John, who was feeling even more frisky since discovering moiras pregnancy, whispered,
"What's good for mummy is good for baby and I hear it's good for Daddy." Moira felt turned on by this and started to kiss John senseless just as Adam came in.
"God, you've just made a baby! Are you trying for twins?!" He snapped as he walked in. Both Moira and John were stunned to see him as they expected him at work.
"And your not at work because?" John said as Adam sat down,
"I've been sacked." Adam mumbled miserably and John was about to head out to see Declan when Adam explained the reason why.
"You need to keep it zipped full stop mate." John remarked as Moira put her hands on her bump.

Declan watched as Moira and John headed out and made his way over,
"I suppose you've heard what your son has done!" He said furiously and John stepped over Moira protectively,
"Excuse me Declan! My wife is having a baby!" John snapped as Moira headed inside the house again.
"Yeah we'll we all know you two cant resist each other no wonder you have loads of kids, I know where Adam gets it from!" Declan thundered and John sighed heavily,
"Look I don't want no trouble with you, your feud is with Adam not me." John said calmly but Declan wasn't having any of it.
"You've never wanted my daughter to be with your son! I bet you were pleased when you found out about the affair!" Declan yelled and John shoved him over and went back in the house.

Things got worse.

In the summer, Mia, who had left to live with her grandfather in Ireland decided to return but on her way there, she was killed in a car crash. Declan was distraught and on the day of the funeral John and Adam decided to talk to Declan to pay their respects. However Declan didn't want their sympathy,
"You didn't come to the funeral." He said sharply and Adam didn't know what to say.
John sighed and tried to speak But Declan cut in reminding them of the affair.
"She threw herself at him!" John yelled and Declan yelled louder causing John to punch him.
"I hope you don't have to go through what I've been through." Declan said softly and John felt sorry for him all of a sudden,
"And I hope nothing happens to your newborn when it's born." Declan added, showing his softer side.

John lay in bed that night looking up at the ceiling. He thought about his unborn child and wondered what it would be like. He couldn't wait to meet it and he hoped that this child would bring much awaited happiness to the Bartons.

After all it's what the Barton's deserved after all the trauma they had suffered.

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