Chapter 5 Falling in Love

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"You are joking me?!"

Harry was furious. He had just been told that James, his eldest at seventeen, was about to become a father. He hadnt anything like it! There had never been teenage pregnancy in the Barton Family and already it had gotten out. He had heard Annie gossiping to Betty about it and he was fuming. How can his son be so stupid?
"Im sorry Ive upset you Dad but me and Emma are having a baby and we love each other." James protested. John was sat on the staircase listening to the conversation. Everything had gone wrong. He didnt like Emma at all, he found her pompous and not fit to be with his brother. But James was smitten.
"Your only seventeen! Do you think your gonna still be with her in five years time?!" Harry shouted, banging his fist on the table. James nodded,
"Yeah we will! I love her and ill love the baby too." James yelled before storming off. Harry put his head in his hands and John came downstairs and put his arms around him.
"Oh John, what has the family come too?" He mumbled.
"What do you mean dad?" John asked sitting at the table, Harry looked at him and sighed.
"Frank Tate called earlier, he is planning to sell the land to make it into houses whether i give consent or not. Ive tried speaking to him but theres no reasoning with him and now your brother is gonna be a father, its thrown a spanner in the works."
John looked at his father with concern, he looked as if he hadnt slept in days, his black hair was going grey and he wasnt eating properly.
"Dad please don't worry, its probably not gonna happen, ive heard about the Tate's, their all talk and no action, take no notice."
Harry looked at his youngest son and smiled at him. He was a lovely young man and at sixteen certainly was eye candy. He hoped that things progressed between him and Moira, she was lovely and knew him inside and out. Violet came in and made a fresh pot of tea,
"What was that shouting I heard this morning? Your not still on about our unborn grandchild are you? God sake Harry its his decision, if he wants the baby then thats up to him. Let everyone gossip for all I care." Violet protested as she made toast.
Harry sighed heavily,
"Hes only young Vi. Hes seventeen. He should be living his life not taking on parental responsibilities. Frank was going on about it this morning, 'oh dear looks like your son is tainting the good barton name' stuck up old rat!" Harry said in annoyance, Violet sat down,
"Listen to me Harry Barton! I was that age when I married you and nineteen when I had James! If he loves this Emma then we should let him get on with it!" Violet said then she took his hand,
"Oh Harry, I wish you would stop this worrying its not doing you any good. Youve lost so much weight and you havent had a decent night sleep since Mr Tate starting sniffing about"Violet said softly and John, sensing an atmosphere, decided to head out.

A few days later, John and Moira were in the fields watching Jack and Harry inspect some horses that had arrived that morning. James and Emma were also there and John was shocked at how far gone Emma was. Harry was inspecting a black horse and Joe Sugden, Jacks Brother remarked,
"What about this one? Think its good enought to race?"
Jack shrugged and John piped up,
"Do you think I can have a go on it?"
Joe and Jack looked at the teenager and they nodded. Harry stood back and watched as his son mounted the horse and rode it abit. The Sugden brothers watched on in fascination as he got off the horse and nodded,
"Perfect for riding, shes quite fast." He said and Harry smiled. Joe and Jack were stunned and Joe remarked,
"If I didnt know any better Id say there was a touch of gypsy in him."
Harry glared at Joe.
"Theres nothing gypsy about my kids. Now how much do I owe you?" He added getting his wallet out.
"Call it thirty." Jack said just as John brought the horse over to Moira.
"Shes yours." He said and Moira and Harry were stunned. Harry grinned as Moira looked on in amazement.
"Really?" She said as she stroked its nose. John nodded, helping her mount it and getting behind her.
"Your a gent Johnny boy. Don't stay out late ok?" Harry said as they rode off into the fields.

Moira and John lay under an oak tree and watched everyone doing things in the village. They laughed at Seth Armstrong and his wife Meg being chased by cows, they made comments about the Tate's being mean to Alan Turner and they watched as people rode their own horses in the direction of the woods.
"Its so eventful here isnt it?" Moira remarked as John lay down. He nodded,
"Yeah it is still its a grand old place with lots of stuff to do." He said reaching over to pull Moira down. Moira smiled at him stroking his cheek. John looked at her and they stared at each other for a few seconds before leaning in for a kiss, tenderly their lips touched each others sending emotions through their bodies. Moira made the kiss more passionate but just when she was about to remove clothing, John stopped her,
"Its too soon Mozza. Well wait before that happens. I dont want to take advantage." He said softly pulling her onto her feet. Moira smiled at him as they got back on the horse and rode back to the village.

Emma gave birth to a son Peter or pete as he was later known six months later and Harry, despite his intial reaction, was delighted to be a grandfather at forty. The baby actually arrived on his fortieth birthday and it was the best birthday present any one could give him.

At Petes christening, Moira beamed as James passed her the baby to hold but Emma didn't look pleased but before she could say anything, Harry gave her a warning glance. Moira loved babies and she was pleased that her boyfriend was now an uncle, James had taken to fatherhood immediately and Harry and Violet were impressed. John watched as Moira cuddled baby Pete and he smiled. He hoped one day he and moira would have a baby of their own.

Suddenly the happiness was ruined by the arrival of Frank Tate. Though not living in the village till three years later, he still had a strong presence over the area. Harry rolled his eyes,
"What do you want? Go away! This is a christening and I don't want any arguments!" He shouted. Frank looked at the man standing in front of him and laughed,
"Yeah you and what Army. I just thought Id let you know that ive put off buying the land for now so you are safe but dont think I wont change my mind. You never know, you could be out on the streets in a couple of years." He said smugly and Harry went for him but was stopped by Jack and Joe who held him back.
Frank laughed and left then, Harry clenched his fists and wanted to pull him back and hit him but stopped himself.
"Dont do it. Hes not worth it Harry" Jack whispered furiously and Harry nodded and got himself a drink.

Moira stood outside her house two hours later, Morag had insisted she come home after witnessing Frank and Harry's near fight. Moira liked the Bartons and loved that they were fiercely loyal to each other. John was everything to her and she hoped they would last for an eternity. Her thoughts were interupted by a whisper,
"Maws, Maws, Over here."
Moira was startled as she looked around the corner then she smiled when she saw John standing there.
"My dad has gone to bed, hes drank to much. You ok?" He asked her as he held her. She nodded,
"Yeah, im fine. That Mr Tate is not a very nice man is he?" She remarked and John nodded as he led her to the stables. Moira smiled as she saw that he had made the place romantic with candles and Roses.
"Aww this is lovely John. How did you do this?" She asked as she sat down. John smiled and sat beside her,
"Took them from the living room. My dad can be romantic when he wants to be."
As they sat and ate, they couldn't stop staring at each other. Finally, blowing out the candles, John leaned over and kissed Moira, Moira kissed him back, taking his shirt off. John grinned and they continued to kiss before finally going all the way in the barn, falling madly in love.

This was the real thing.

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