chapter 14 Grace's Predicament

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18 years later 2030

Grace was brushing Lucy's mane feeling very fed up. She could no longer ride her due to her pregnancy and this irritated her no end. It didnt help the fact that the Dingles knew about her pregnancy and wanted to play an active role in the baby's upbringing.
"Oh Luce. What mess have I got myself into?" Grace said softly as she kissed her nose.
"Thats not very hygenic is it?" A voice called out and Grace looked over to see James standing there.
"Oh hiya uncle James!" Grace called as she walked over to him. She liked her uncle James, loved him like a Dad.
"You do know you have a scan today dont you?" He asked and Grace nodded,
"Yeah I do. Im going alone Mum cant come, shes to busy on the farm." Grace said sadly.
"You want me to come instead?" James asked and Grace nodded giving him a hug as he led her to the car.

Moira, Holly and Hannah, who was visiting, were sitting in the living room waiting for Grace to return home from the hospital. They were nervous and excited at the same time. Finally the door opened and Grace walked in clutching a photo.
"Hello Darling how did it go?" Moira asked walking over as Grace passed her the scan photo.
"It went well. Baby is developing really well." Grace said softly as she looked at the picture.
That was her baby. A peice of her and she loved it so much just like she knew her Dad wouldve loved her had he lived.
"Cain called earlier. He wants to have a meeting with us regarding the baby, hes bringing Kyle with him." Hannah said and Grace sighed heavily.
"Why should I allow them to get involved?" Grace snapped and Moira held her hand,
"Kyle is the babys father darling. It will be half dingle." Moira said softly and Grace nodded,
"I know that and its also part Barton too." She said sadly as she rubbed her bump.

Later that evening, The Dingles and The Barton's gathered round the table, Moira couldnt look Cain in the eye and neither could he look at her.
"Grace, you gonna put Kyles name on the birth certificate?" Cain asked and Kyle looked up at Grace who was standing behind her mother. She nodded,
"Yes off course hes the father." She mumbled as she sat down. Moira held her hand and Kyle looked at Grace who was clearly nervous.
"We want whats best for the baby."Lisa said honestly and Grace nodded, she always liked Lisa and Zak nodded in agreement.
"Yes thats right. I mean this baby is part Dingle and we look after our own."
Grace nodded and smiled then showed them the baby scan and they gushed and cooed over the unborn infant. Kyle gave a look and grinned at it and Grace smiled also as the picture of her baby was being admired.

Later that evening, All the Bartons including Emma, headed to the woolpack for a drink. Since Dianes death, Moira had taken over as main barmaid and Robert and Aaron were now the landlords as well as owning a carlot called Dingle Automobiles. Grace walked to the bar and ordered a WKD but Robert shook his head,
"No drinking whilst your pregnant."
Grace rolled her eyes and sat back down folding her arms. The sooner the pregnancy was over the better.
Suddenly, Kyle was on the stage where the karoke machine was and he picked the mick up,
"Sorry to interupt you all. I just want to ask someone in here a very important question." He announced, stopping for a moment before blurting out,
"Grace Barton, Will you marry me?"
Everyone turned to look at Grace who was stunned at what had just happened. All eyes were on her as Kyle waited nervously for her response.
Finally she said weakly,
The crowd cheered and Kyle had a huge smile on his face as he kissed Grace and Grace smiled at him but when they embraced, Graces face fell.

This was not what she wanted.

A few weeks later, Grace had another scan and it was revealed she was expecting a girl. Wedding preparations were underway and the plan was that Grace and Kyle would marry before the baby was born. For once Emma had no nasty comments to make and James and the barton brothers had pulled out all the stops to make the upcoming day special but Grace couldnt get excited.

One evening, Grace was babysitting Hollys children Roxanna and Lucas as well as Adam and Vics youngest. She was singing once upon a december to them and watched as they drifted off to sleep. As she headed out of the room, Lucas called out,
"Auntie Gracie, can you tuck me in?"
Grace smiled and tucked him in and left the room.

She lay in her room, her jewellery box playing in the background. She had put herself in a bad position and she couldnt find a way out. Her life was falling apart and she could see no way out.

A week later Grace was hanging out with April Windsor who had become a good friend in recent months. She was going on about a date she had with Arthur Thomas a few nights earlier but Grace wasn't listening. Instead she nodded and smiled but April realised that something was wrong.

"What's up?" April asked, swinging her long legs onto the end table that always annoyed Marlon and her step mother Carly. Grace didn't answer and April spoke up,

"Is this because of your dad's upcoming birthday? I overhead Moira talking about it to my Dad. You always get upset whenever it's his birthday. I'm the same with my mum. I always keep thinking she'll walk through the door. I still watch that video she made for me before she died. It makes me feel sad when I think about her but i still have my Dad and Carly is like a mum to me and I know I will see mum again in heaven. Arthur told me that." She added with a smile. Grace looked at her,

"It's got nothing to do with Dad. I was only a baby when he died. You were a little girl so you knew your mother. Actually it's about the baby." Grace said sharply, rubbing her bump that she was starting to resent. April moved closer,

"Grace, I know your scared about having a baby but you'll make a fantastic mum. I know Kyle will make a brilliant dad, when Robert and Aaron adopted those kids, he was making a fuss of them...."

Grace sighed heavily before blurting out,

"He's not the dad!"

April looked at Grace in shock and surprise.

"What? He's not the dad? Who is then?" April asked and Grace put her head in her hands.

"It's Jacks baby. Jack Sugden. We had a one night stand the night of priya and Rakeshs Christmas party. I caught Johnny trying to take some alcohol, he gave me some lip and Jack stuck up for me then we went back to his and one thing led to another. I only knew he was the Dad At the scan I'm further along than I thought, I'm due the end of September not the middle of October. I fee like a bloody idiot!" Grace shouted before she began to cry. April rubbed her back and looked at Grace,

"You have a decision to make babes. Either you come clean and have the Dingles come down on you like a ton of bricks or you better hope and pray you go past your due date so the Dingles don't get suspicious. You know what their like."

Grace sighed heavily. What was she going to do? Come clean and risk the Dingles wrath? Or pass her unborn baby off as someone else's child? She couldn't see Jack coming back to the Dales.

She didn't know what to do.

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