Chapter 15 Truth and Lies

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Grace's second trimester was nearly over and she was relived. The pregnancy was dragging on and she hated it. She didnt understand why the Dingles were so keen for her and Kyle to marry before the baby was born. Ever since the engagement got announced, they were organising the whole wedding without Graces permission and it irratated her no end.

As Grace went for a walk, Aaron and Robert approached her,
"Hello Grace you ok?" Robert asked,
"Yeah im fine. Ill be glad when this baby is born though." Grace admitted. Aaron smiled in sympathy,
"Wheres the kids?" She added.
"At the Woolpack. Paddy and Chas are keeping an eye on them." Robert said, holding Aarons hand. Grace smiled though her smile faded when she saw April. Ever since Grace had told April that Kyle wasnt the father, April had kept telling her to come clean. She said goodbye to Robert and Aaron and headed back to Butlers.

April saw her and rushed over to her,
"I know what your gonna say and the answer is no!" Grace snapped. April sighed,
"Kyle needs to know the truth. I know it will break his heart but he needs to know either way. And i would get in touch with Jack and tell him the truth too."
Grace sighed heavily,
"Ok i will. But not now. Ill do it soon i promise."
But as Grace walked away, Emma lingered in the background.
She heard everything.

Grace was feeding Lucy and stroking her mane when Emma approached her. It took a while to realise that Emma was there. When Grace turned round and saw her, she dropped the feed onto the grass.
"Butterfingers." Emma remarked callously and Grace sighed picking up the food. Emma walked over to her.
"I think me and you better have a chat dont you?" Emma said in a deadly whisper. She dragged Grace into a nearby barn.
"I heard what you said. About the baby not being kyles. Its Andy Sugdens sons baby isnt it?" Emma said and Grace ahook her head,
"Whats it got to do with you?" Grace asked, putting her hand on her bump. Emma grinned,
"Its my business now. After all your pregnant with my great neice or nephew. I only want whats best for you." Emma said as she stroked Graces hair.
"Now listen to me. What your doing is wrong. You need to come clean." Emma said in a sinister voice. Grace began to cry,
"I cant. It would ruin his life." She cried. Emma wasnt sympathetic.
"Either you tell Cain the truth or not only will I will but ill also tell everyone what a disgusting little slut youve been." Emma threatened just as the barn door came open.
"Everything ok in here? You alright Grace?" It was James. Emma put on a cheery smile and said
"Yeah, Grace has the baby blues, i was cheering her up." Emma said sweetly and James smiled at Grace.
Later that night Grace was lying in bed. She was staring at the ceiling and torn what to do. She knew she had to do  the right thing. The wedding was fast approaching.

Graces Hen night arrived and it was the night before the wedding. Moira had organised a huge party for her and Grace was grateful but she couldnt join in with the fun. She was still determined to reveal the identity of her babies real father.

While the party was in full swing, Grace snuck of to the Dingles house. The truth needed to be revealed once and for all.

She knocked on the door, her hands cold and clamy begore it opened to reveal a drunk Cain.

"Oh hello future daughter in law, come in." He boomed and Grace felt more nervous than ever. In his drunken state, Cain was capable of anything.

Grace sat down watching Zak snoozing in his chair.

"Well whats this all about?" Cain asked swaying slightly. Grace swallowed before saying nervously,

"It's about the babys paternity. You see Kyle isnt the dad. I got my dates wrong. Jack sugden is the father and im so sorry for decieving Kyle." She stammered.

Cain looked at her for a few moments, not registering what she had said. Then it suddenly came to him. He suddenly became angry, grabbing Grace by the arm, he dragged her upstairs. Grace was terrified about what he would do. Finally, he pushed her into a small bedroom which had once been Belles.

"This time tommorow you are going to be my daughter in law and you better get used to it. As far as im concerned the baby you carry is my granddaughter and it stays that way otherwise there will be trouble!" Cain said sinisterly before slamming it and locking it behind him.

Grace was mortified. This was the family she was marrying into and she hated it. When she heard Cains drunken snores, she finally gave in to the tears that had been threatning to spill all day.

She didnt know what to do now.

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