Chapter 17 Dangerous Liasons

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Grace was lying in bed looking over at Destiny sleeping in her crib. She had done the right thing telling Kyle the truth even if it meant that the Dingles had turned against the Barton's but it was the fact that she hadnt heard from Jack for a while that really upset her the most. She had hoped that now the truth was out he would be here but he wasnt. She looked at destiny who was still asleep and smiled.
Destiny was a barton all over from her dark tufty hair to her big blue eyes. Grace felt blessed to have jad her and couldnt imagine a life without her. She watched her as she slept and hoped to god nothing would happen to her.

She missed Jack though. She had hoped that now things were over between herself and Kyle that she and Jack could start a romance but sadly that wasnt to be. Grace felt utterly alone and now she had the risk of being slut shamed to deal with.

She had to be prepared for what was to come.

The following week was Destinys christening with April and Arthur Thomas as god parents. It had not gone smoothly. Ross had complained about the choice of godparents while Robert hadnt attended due to ill health.

"Can anything else go wrong today?" Grace muttered as Destiny was christened. She looled and saw Emma staring at her. The woman was insane. Like she had some sort of obsession. Grace knew what Emma was capable off and she was determined to make sure that everyone else knew too.

At the Woolpack, Grace stood outside lookimg over at the moors, admiring it in all its glory. Emmerdale was a beautiful place. She loved being here and was glad she jad her family around. It made up for her lack of a father figure.

Just then Emma came outside and looked at Grace. She was aware of how close Grace was to James and the fact that he saw her as a daughter and shr hated it.

"Lovely day." She remarked, "pity your stupidity put your life on a backseat."

Grace clenched her fists.

"Just ahut up Emma, youve caused enough grief!" She shouted and Emma looked at her.

"I caused you grief! No You caused it! If youd had kept your knickers on, you wouldnt be in the situation your in now!" Emma shouted back, Grace slapped her across the face then just as Ross arrived.

"Oi, whats goung on?!" He shouted as Emma rubbed her cheek.

"Oh nothing. Grace was just being an idiot."Emma said and Grace clenched her fists. Emma walked back into the woolpack. Ross walked over to Grace,

"What the hell you playing at?! Your life is a tragedy by your own fault and your trying to ruin it for everyone else!" Ross shouted, Grace looked at him.

"She's been stirring things up Ross! She has been for months!" Grace protested bitterly.

"Well maybe if you kept your knickers on you wouldn't be in the situation. Just focus on your sad little life and leave mum alone!"

Moses called after Ross then and Ross went to him, Grace went back inside really wishing Jack was here.

A few weeks later, Grace decided to pay her Uncle James a visit. She had found it strange that she hadnt seen him for a while as usually he was also hanging around. However he was nowhere to be seen and this was unusual for Grace. She had left Destiny with Moira and headed to Bartons Farm.

Once she arrived she was stunned to see the door was slightly open. Usually the door was locked at all times in case any of the animals tried to get in.

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