Chapter 10 Hollys nightmare

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Holly and her friend Roz was walking towards a nightclub. The night was young and they wanted to enjoy it. Moira and John had gone on a date and Adam had gone on a lads night out with Aaron while Hannah was hanging around with Victoria.

"Its gonna be a cracking night tonight." Roz said excitedly and Holly giggled happily. They got into the nightclub and as the music blared out, Roz and Holly danced while being chatted up by some fit boys that had been eyeing them up. The night was going great and Holly was having an amazing time.

Just then Roz pulled her into the toilets and took what looked like a small pipe,
"Try some of this youll get a buzz of it." She said and Holly, though knowing it was drugs and knowing it was wrong, decided to try some to please Roz. After sniffing the substance she smiled feeling it run down the back of her throat and she smiled in ecstasy as she danced with Roz.

A few days later Ashley and Laurel had left Holly to look after Gabby and Arthur which pleased John and Moira as this meant Holly could be trusted. However while looking after them Holly suddenly felt an urge to take cocaine and while the kids weren't looking she did a line on the table hoping she could destroy the evidence before Ashley and Laurel came home suddenly the door opened and Ashley and Laurel appeared and saw Holly.

Moira and John were cuddling up on the sofa watching the telly when Ashley and Laurel came in, Ashley's face like thunder.
"Your daughter has been doing drugs in my house with my children present!" He shouted throwing the small white bag onto the coffee table. John and Moira were stunned by this revelation.
"Oh my god." John muttered as he picked it up and when Ashley threatened to call the police, Moira was shaken.

Sometime later Holly and Roz arrived at Butlers Farm and saw Moira and John sitting looking Solemn.
"Whats up?" Holly asked, sensing an atmosphere as she walked through the door. Hannah was standing in the doorway. John suddenly produced the small white powder and put it on the table,
"Is this yours?" He asked and Hollt started to panic.
"No. Its not mine." She stammered sitting down and then she looked at Roz,
"Its hers." She said pointing at Roz who looked shocked.
"Dont lie Holly, its yours!" She said furiously, angry that she was getting the blame.
"She must have left it at Ashleys." Holly said and Roz had enough and left.

Finally, the truth was out. Holly was taking drugs. Neither John or Moira could believe it. Holly was an intelligent girl who had the whole world at her feet and now she was taking cocaine to have a good time. They didnt understand it. And it was gonna get worse.

Months went by and Holly seemed to be getting herself together but in reality she was still using and had no intentions of stopping and when John threw her out, she decided to show that she didnt need them and when John and Moira saw her at the police station, she tried to convince them she didn't need any help but neither John nor Moira were convinced.

After a disasterous attempt to convince Holly to come home, she was found stoned on the grave of Frank and Chris Tate, the baryons old enemies. Ashley and Doug brought her home. It was clear her addiction had gotten out of control and even she knew that she needed help.

Towards the end of 2010 it was clear that drastic measures needed to be taken to ensure that Holly didn't succumb to her addiction. A lock was fitted on her bedroom door to stop her escaping. The Bartons knew that it would be a tough journey for them but they had to stick together in order for them to fight it.

After all, it was what family was for.

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