Chapter 4 First meeting

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"John! James! Hurry up!"

Harry Bartons loud voice echoed up the stairs and James sighed as he got up. His younger brother was sleeping next door and he sighed and got dressed. He shouted Johns name to get up and headed downstairs while Harry and his wife Violet sat at the table. Harrys rugged good looks made him eye candy among the women but it was plain to see that Violet was the only one for him. As she poured the tea, he groped her and she giggled. James sighed heavily as he sat down and grabbed the tea pot.
"Whats up with you?" Harry asked, looking at his eldest like he was sickening for something. James shook his head,
"Im alright Dad. Johns taking forever in the bathroom." He complained and Violet sighed and sat down.
"Oh someone is coming over later. She says her little girl wants to play with John, I thought it would be nice." Violet remarked as she spread butter on toast. John finally came downstairs and Harry ruffled his hair. James rolled his eyes. John was the apple of Harrys eye and Violets as well. Then he felt bad, John was his brother and he loved him dearly. He grabbed his bag and kissed his mothers cheek.
"Come on John were gonna be late for school!"

Harry was in the woolpack with Jack Sugden. He had been driven mad by Seth's constant moaning and Alans boasting but he loved talking to Jack. They were friends and had known each other for years.
"Hows your mother?" Harry asked and Jack smiled,
"Ah shes fine Harry. Me and my brother look after her well." Jack said with pride. Harry grinned and sipped his ale,
"Tell you what, your Violet is the apple of your eye isnt she?" Jack remarked as Violet came in with young John. Harry beamed,
"Yeah shes my sunshine girl." He said and Jack raised an eyebrow,
"Your what?" He asked, having not heard that expression before.
"My sunshine girl meaning she turns darkness to light, she brings light in my heart and is my joy to mask any sadness I have." Harry said and Violet smiled, tossing her long brown hair out of her face.
"Come on Harry, we need to get back, Morag is coming." Violet said hurriedly and Harry grinned and nodded.

Violet and Harry stood in front of the woman in front of them who was holding her daughters hand.
"Lovely to meet you Morag. I hope you will be very happy here." Violet said fondly and Morag grinned in a friendly fashion.
"This is Moira, shes my daughter. I believe shes the same age as your younger son John."
Moira stood there shyly and smiled a little when John smiled at her. James also smiled, genuinly pleased that his brother had a friend to hang about with.
"So Moira, your mother tells us that you like farming." Harry remarked with a smile. Moira smiled and nodded,
"Yes Mr Barton, I love it and I love the animals too." Moira replied politely and Harry smiled.
"Listen, why dont you and Moira explore the fields but be careful and dont stay out too long." Violet said and the two kids ran off into the fields.

They ran and ran feeling the tall grass tickle their legs. The sun was setting and the pink and yellow pattern it was making in the sky intrigued Moira. Finally they reached a apple tree and they sat down, out of breath from the running.
"I love this place." Moira said as she saw Annie Sugden peg her washing out to dry outside Butlers farm. She waved at her and Annie waved back. John smiled at Moira.
"I love it too. My Dad always goes on about the fields. He loves it here, he met my Mum here you know."
Moira smiled,
"Awww. The sunshine girl he calls her isnt it? Cute nickname." She remarked kindly and John smiled at her and then resting her head on his shoulder, they watched the sun set together.

This set the catalyst for their future romance.

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