Chapter Eight Joy and Tragedy

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Harry and John were cleaning out the stables, John had been working very hard and there was more reason to do so.

Moira was pregnant with their first child.

Harry and Violet were delighted that their younger son was having a child of his own. They were also proud grandparents to two grandsons through James and Emma:Pete and Ross. The baby was due in a month and John had really got into work.
Despite the happy news, Harry was troubled by the threat that he had recieved on the wedding day. He had been plagued by the message for over a year and he had lost sleep over it. It had also caused rows between him and Violet and she had walked out on numerous occasions, taking refuge at Annie's or Morags. But they always made up. Harry and Violet would never split up permanently, everyone knew that.
But Harry was determined to find out who had been responsible for the threat that had been sent to him. He was determined to find out.

Frank was heading back to Home Farm to discuss with Chris about some business arrangements with the Kings when he could hear someone coming up the path, he turned around.
"Ah Mr Barton! What a pleasent surprise!" He said sarcastically. Harry looked at Frank with hatred and Frank grinned smugly. Just then Harry marched up the drive and pinned Frank up against the wall,placing his hand against Franks throat.
"You think that was clever, sending that message on my sons wedding day?! Sending me and my wife round the bend. You wont get with it Frank! Im gonna kill you!" Harry yelled and Frank threw him off him.

"What are you talking about? Ive done no such thing!" Frank shouted as Harry flew at Frank again
"The note! You left in the woolpack the day John got married! Does that ring a bell?!" Harry yelled as he went to punch Frank who backed away.
"I did not send that note! Ive turned my back on that peice of land!" Frank shouted as he shoved Harry over. Harry looked up and felt his face go red,
"If you didnt send that note who did?!" He shouted getting back up breathing heavily.
Frank adjusted himself before he responded,
"If you must know it was Tom who sent the note. Tom King. He said that you owe him for the loan he gave you. He asked me to give you the note but i had gone he left your name on the note and Annie took it!"
Harry stopped dead. Tom had sent the note. Tom wanted the money. Violet had asked him for the loan.
Harry walked away then, not knowing what to feel. Then Frank shouted,
"And dont come back here again, Ive had enough of you, all of you!" And he slammed the door.

Harry waited in the living room for Violet to come home, Moira was upstairs sleeping and John was sitting with him. How could Violet be so stupid? Because of her asking Tom for a loan, Harry was now left with the difficult task of getting five grand by the end of the month. Finally, the front door opened and Violet walked in with James, who was carrying baby Ross with tears streaming while Pete was holding Violets hand.
"James whats wrong?" Harry asked looking at him. James was to upset to speak but Violet cut in,
"Emma thats who! Shes tried to kill Ross, the murderous bitch!" Violet cried before bursting into tears. John picked up Pete and took him upstairs. Harry was horrified. Emma, his own daughter in law had tried to kill her baby son. He couldnt belive it. The evil bitch! Wait till he got his hands on her!
"Violet, Tom king sent that note. He wants five grand by the end of the month." Harry said as he held Ross. Violet looked at him in horror, believing it was her own fault for trusting him.
All blame and anger was erased from Harrys mind as he held his grandson in his arms. Wait till he got hold of that nasty little daughter in law of his. There would be hell to pay.

John, having overheard the conversation that had happened, decided to take action. Heading up the garden path of a small mansion outside of emmerdale he knocked on the door and waited. Then the door opened and a teenaged boy with blonde hair stood in the doorway,
"Yeah what do you want?" He asked and John raised his eyebrows at him.
"Im looking for Mr King." He responded, The boy nodded and yelled,
"Dad there's someone at the door!"
Tom sighed as he walked up the hallway.
"Thank you Carl. Ill deal with this." Tom said as Carl ran upstairs with younger brother Max.
"Harry Bartons lad is it? Come in."
John followed Tom up the hallway into the living room. Tom poured them both a scotch and sat in front of him,
"Listen I have nothing against your family but I do need that money back. Im in debt you see...." Tom said but John cut him off,
"So why lend it in the first place? You know were struggling with money. You wont seriously evict my parents will you?" John said and Tom detected the begging in his voice.
"Not if your father comes up with the money by the end of the month unless....." Tom turned on his heel and looked at John. John swallowed as Tom approached him.
"You worked for me. I could do with a strapping young man like you to do some work, keep matthew and Jimmy on their toes and with your looks, the customers will soon be coming in." Tom said a smile. John didnt say anything and then he suddenly shouted,
"I can't believe your suggesting something like this! Why would I work for you?! I cant even trust you! You can stick your job where the sun doesnt shine and as for the money my dad isnt paying you! Your not evicting my family and youll do it over Dads dead body!" He stormed off slamming the door behind him, Tom stood there dumbfounded while Carl stood in the doorway,
"Take no notice dad. Common as muck he was." He said and Tom burst out laughing.

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