Chapter 9 Moving in

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Years had passed since Harrys death and so much had happened to the Bartons. Emma had walked out on James and the kids, Moira gave birth to two more kids Adam and Hannah while James had another son called Finn. Violets romance with Joe had ended after a brief engagement and He and Jack had now died. Annie was still alive and living in spain while Violet now lived in Brighton.

Butlers Farm was up for sale after Jacks death and John had brought it. Jacks son Andy hadnt been made aware of this until he walked into the house to see John and Moira unloading their stuff from the van. Their children were now grown up and they were all good looking kids. Holly and Hannah were unloading their things for the bedroom while John saw Andy and smiled at him,

"Hey there My name is John, you must be Andy." He said and he shook his hand. Andy smiled at him,

"Nice to meet you. The name Barton sounds familar. I think theres someone buried under the name Barton at the churchyard." Andy said and Johns face fell.

"Yeah he was my dad. Harry Barton." He said sadly and Andy wished he hadnt said anything and offered to help out with the packing.

Andy and John became friends very quickly and Andy often helped out on the farm along with Paddy and sometimes Aaron, a young lad who was friends with Adam.

One afternoon, Aaron was walking his dog Clyde across the path when Paddy drove past him,

"Fanvy helping at the farm, I know you like Holly" Paddy said teasingly and Aaron rolled his eyes before getting in the car.

When they arrived at Butlers, John and Padfy grinned as they watched Aaron walk into the house knowing about his crush on Holly, they couldnt wait to tease him over it and when Aaron failed to tame a lamb John started the teasing,

"So whats with the sudden interedt in farming?" He asked resting his hands on the fence.

"Paddy said you needed an extra pair of hands." Aaron said looking away and John grinned to himself,

"Oh really? Its nothing to do with our Holly then is it?" John asked with a grin, Andy, Adam and Paddy grinned at Aaron who became so fed up, he stormed off in the direction of the barn.

After doing the jobs, John decided to go and see if Aaron was ok but when he got to the barn, Aaron was trying to put out a fire that he had started on the straw.

"What the hell are you doing?" He shouted getting some water and pushing Aaron out of the way.

"Oi dont push me!" Aaron shouted, John was furious by now.

"Dont push you! Your in a barn full of straw the whole thing couldve gone up within seconds!" He shouted putting out the fire.

After a while, John grabbed Aaron, who had refused to hand over his lighter and dragged him into a barn locking the door but this ultimately proved to be his own doing. Within an hour, the police were called and John was arrested for assault.

This was a nightmare. What would Harry say? He would have gone mad at him for assaulting Aaron like that. He himself wouldve gone mad and told his mother Chastity what Aaron had done. John felt stupid, he felt really bad and now he was facing a prison sentence.

Within the next few days, Aarons spiteful behaviour was causing problems between the Dingles and the Bartons. Things came to a head when Aaron offered to sleep with Holly in order not to testify but this didnt work. Finally Chas intervened and soon the case was dropped but this didnt cause ill feeling. In fact John felt that Aaron wasnt as tough as he made out. Like he was vulnerable and like a lost child inside.

The Bartons first Christmas soon arrived and the kids loved their presents, John and Moira were delighted at the happy scene and they hoped it would stay that way. Andy was staying for dinner and he had something to show him that would put a smile on his face.

In the barn, John unloaded a tank that contained home brew, a recipe that the bartons had followed for many years.
"My Dad used to brew this stuff Me and my brother used to get wasted on it." John said as Adam and Andy sipped it and gagged.

Later that day, John and Moira sat together in the living room and John looked over at Harrys picture and smiled. Moira smiled at him and kissed him and John counted his blessings that he had her. She was perfect.

As they headed up to bed, John smiled at Harrys picture,

"Merry Christmas Dad." He whispered.

All in all a good end to 2009.

But little did they know that the next two years were going to change their lives forever.

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