Chapter 7 Wedded Bliss

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John and Moiras wedding was fast approaching and all the Bartons were very nervous and excited. There was so little time left and nerves were taking over. Harry was pleased that Frank had changed his mind over taking over the land. He was looking forward to the wedding now and he had major plans for the stag night.

Joe and Jack called round the Bartons house at seven thirty. Moira had gone with Violet and Morag to another pub in Beckindale with Annie, Rachel Hughes, Kathy and Sarah.
"We heading to the woolpack then?" Jack asked and Harry nodded,
"Lets go then." Joe yelled excitedly "Only we need to be on our best behaviour or the landlord will kick us out and bar us."
The men rushed out yelling at the top of their voices. Amos was standing outside with his arms folded,
"Now listen here. Theres to be no fighting, no arguements, no bad language, nothing offensive. Is that clear?" He demanded and everyone nodded grinning before Amos loosed them in.

The party was in full swing as the drink started flowing. Within an hour everyone was laughing joking and getting merry. Soon a song came on that John liked, "Fools Gold by the stone roses" and he started dancing, showing some impressive moves. Everyone watched as he danced amazed at how well he could move. James watched with a smile but secretly felt envious. John was younger and more attractive than him and though he was a good looking fella himself, James lacked the confidence that John had.
By the end of the evening, all the men were drunk and when the women came back from the hen do, Violet and Annie rolled their eyes at the men singing out of tune stinking of booze.
"Harry Barton get home now you bloody stink of booze and James, you best get home to Emma, shes waiting for you." Violet said as she dragged John into the house, Moira blew him a kiss as he walked in and he winked at her. Harry laughed out loud causing Joe and Jack to do the same. Annie grew irrattated as she tried dragging them away.

The wedding day finally arrived. Moira was changing into her wedding dress while Morag styled her hair with maternal pride. Violet was adjusting her hat and painting her nails all the time looking out of the window to see if her sons and husband were at the church. Just then she saw Frank Tate and Tom king talking in the distance and somehow she regretted ever coming to him for help, she wondered if they were plotting something.
Moira stood in front of the mirror in her wedding gown smiling at herself,
"You'll turn heads today darling," Morag said softly as she adjusted the wedding viel.
"John is all i want Mum." moira said with a smile.

At the church, Harry stood beside his son as they waitrd for the bride to arrive. Harry was proud of his boys and he prayed to God that John would have children of his own someday. He and Moira were perfect for each other. John stood there nervous and sweating while Joe tried to coax him into taking dutch courage.

Just then the bridal chorus began to play and everyone looked to see Moira walk down the aisle. John was amazed at how beautiful his bride looked and Violet and Morag began to cry as Moira walked further up. Finally she stood beside John and smiled at him and he smiled back,
As the Vicar said the vows, Harry noticed that Frank and Kim were looking at him and grinning and he scowled at them, James tapped his shoulder,
"Dad please dont start." He whispered and Harry nodded before turning to face his other son marry his sweetheart.

Everyone cheered as the wedding march played while the new Mrs Barton had an unbreakable smile upoun her face as she and John walked down the aisle. Violet and Morag cried again as did Annie and Harry wiped stray tears from his eyes as he watched his happy son rejoice with his new wife. Harry followed behind them as he looked back at the church, remembering when he and Violet had married twenty two years earlier.

At the reception, John and Moira greeted their guests while James watched his brother with a mixture of envy and pride on his face. He felt very pleased for his brother but at the same time envied his happiness, Emma was not the woman he had fallen in love with. Nowadays she complained and threw hissy fits for no reason and it irritated him. Now he saw his brother basking in happiness and he didnt like it at all.

As John and Moira headed for their honeymoon Harry headed outside for fresh air, he looked over at Butlers farm where the sugdens lived and wished he lived there than living in the farm he lived in.
Just then Annie came over and passed a small peice of paper,
"Someone left this for you Harry." She said before walking away. Harry looked confused as he opened it up. He frowned when he saw the message:

"Pay up or get out."

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