Chapter 16 Wedding Day Mayhem

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Grace stood in front of the mirror while Moira adjusted her viel. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of her life and yet she felt miserable and alone. She couldnt tell Moira how she was feeling because she knew she had enough to deal with. Her only ally was her Uncle James but with Emma and Ross always around him like hawks around prey, Grace felt she couldnt go to him anymore. As Hannah and Holly helped apply her makeup, Grace began to cry.
"Oh darling whats wrong?" Moira asked as she hugged her close.
"Nothing. I just wish Dad was here thats all." Grace cried and Moira hugged her,

"Hed be so proud of you." Moira said softly as she cuddled her youngest. Grace smiled through her tears but deep down she wished she wasnt getting married. She looked at herself in the mirror once again.

She looked amazing. Her long hair was tied into a elegant bun with pearls in it, the veil was so long that it came down to the floor and her makeup was immaculate. The dress was beautiful, it had been Hannahs wedding dress when she had gotten married.

Grabbing her flowers handpicked by Belle, Grace walked downstairs. April was already downstairs  dressed in her pale blue bridesmaid outfit with her hair plaited. Marlin teared up when he saw her, she looked like Donna. Graces other bridesmaid was Adam and Victorias daughter, Lily who at fourteen, looked the spitting image of Victoria. Grace smiled at them as she was lead out to the wedding car. She tried to control her anguish but it was a real struggle.

When she arrived at the vhurch, she saw James and Emma standing outside, Grace hoped not to see Emma particularly after the threat she had made. She could hear Angelica Kings comments about the decorations to her mother Nicola.

"Look at the flowers Mum. They dont match. You dont put red roses with lillies, they dont go!"

Grace rolled her eyes and laughed a little when Hollys eldest daughter Lexi mumbled,

"Shut up, you stuck up cow!"

The wedding march started playing and as Adam walked Grace up the aisle, all eyes were on Grace. Kyle was standing beside Cain and Grace had to admit that he looked handsome but there was still no romantic feeling. Cain gave her a warning look as she reached the alter.

As Grace and Kyle exchanged vows, she could see April fidgeting in her seat and Grace knew why. She wished she wasnt doing this but she couldnt bare to hurt Kyle.

Finally as Harriet proclaimed them husband and wife and the wedding march played again, Grace burst into tears which was dismissed as happy tears. She and Kyle walked down the aisle with everyone cheering and throwing confetti.

The reception was held at the Woolpack and as Robert served the drinks with Aaron, their adoptive children presented Grace a large card signed by everyone, congratulating her on the wedding. Grace smiled and hugged them but deep down she felt like she had been torn in two. Like her whole world had been ripped apart.

"Attention everyone!" Moira called out and everyone looked at her.
"I would just like to say that i feel that my daughter has made Kyle the happiest man alive. It was eighteen years ago that Grace came into the world kicking and screaming, those blue eyes and that tufty brown hair that made my heart melt and though that day was tinged with the devastation of Johns death, i know hes looking down on her now and feeling blessed by his daughters happy day. So id like you all to raise your glasses and toast. To Kyle and Grace!"

"To Kyle and Grace!" Everyone shouted and raised their glasses. Grace smiled as did Kyle but after a while the tension started to get to much for Grace and she retreated to the toilets.

Grace looked at herself in the mirror, feeling alone. She felt like the world was against her and that she couldnt talk to no one. Why did she agree to marry Kyle? Why didnt she say no when he asked her? What a fool. The tears ran down her face and she wiped them away. She grabbed her bouquet and checking herself over she was about to go back to the reception when April came in.
"Grace, you need to come out here!" She said and Grace looked at her and followed and who she saw shocked her to the core.

Standing in front of her was Jack Sugden.

"What are you doing here?"

She looked at April who looked sheepish,

"April, how could you?!" Grace exclaimed. April sighed,

"He needs to know the truth!"

Jack stood in front of Grace who looked dumbfounded by his unexpected arrival.

"I know Grace. I know that Im the father of your baby and i know that you dont love Kyle. You love me." Jack said and Grace swallowed and headed back to the reception.

She was unaware that someone had overhead their conversation.

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