The explosion

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Look at the chapter number..

Don't see anything?

Look again.

Yes, new character :D

------------Chapter 8.33 starts here------------

I sat, watching the rising sun as I held my sketch book in my hands. It was the one thing I could keep with me in the midst of a life revolving around orders.

People rushed hurriedly around me, trying to get to their stations. After all, our lives depended on it.

But I just sat there. I had no role here. I was a lot of things. An agent, a trained assassin, a fighter jet pilot. But, a technician wasn't one of them..

And none of the things I could do would protect anyone from what was about to happen.

So I sat, continuing to sketch my surroundings as the purple bolts arced through the air and collided, each time emitting a bright green light.

The time between the flashes got shorter and shorter, the green light getting brighter and brighter. Next the bolts started rotating, spiraling towards each other, forming what appeared to be a translucent purple hemisphere around us.

And then I saw it flying through the sky, speeding by like nothing is ever seen. With all my fighter jet training, I doubt even I've flown that fast.

It arced through the sky above me, set on a collision course. I braced myself for what was about to happen.

And then the explosion happened. A large mushroom of smoke rose into the sky as the nuke exploded.

Of course we would be safe... I think..

"Don't worry, it'll work James."

I turned to face the voice. It was our lead technician John.

"Just keep your eyes closed though. There is a slight chance you may go blind otherwise."

I looked at him in horror.

"Just kidding," he said laughing his nervous chuckle. He knew that if anything went wrong, I'd kill him before the radiation did.

"Okay guys, pack up!" I heard the voice on the loudspeaker. "Take your last look at Chicago because you won't be back here for at least a few weeks."

I stood up and took a long look back at the building under our radiation shield. It was one I associated many emotions with.

I wanted to smash it to pieces. I could almost imagine flying a jet over it and bombing it repeatedly until each piece was smaller than my little finger. The feeling of joy as my thumb pressed down on that trigger and the missile was launched.

My thumb twitched. I wanted to destroy it so badly. But I couldn't. It was vital to our plan. As much as I hated to say it, we needed the Flipsyde building.

------------End of Chapter 8.33------------

And this chapter is dedicated to snigdha_sk. Happy birthday :D (i figured if i intro-ed your character on your birthday and dedicated it to you, you'd like it)

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