5:00 p.m., Monday, December 7

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5:00 p.m., Monday, December 7

Guest room

Summer Palace

Principalité de Genovia

So, here I am. Again. Olivia says I'm too much stressed out, so she's given me the diary Mom gave her when she started this school year. She says she likes it better writing in her notebook as she's done the past six years. She's so sweet!

So, yeah. Just like Dr. Delgado told me in May (wow, that seems a long time ago!) she thinks I should journal again, so I can clear my ideas, because there are so many things happening these days. AND, that is good neither for me, nor for the babies.

Well, the conversation this afternoon started like this:

"I don't understand why Mom and Dad called me to keep an eye on Rocky and you. Pregnant as I am, it's more like you're my babysitter", I mentioned to Olivia.

"Well, I heard Helen saying to Dad that Grandmère is horrible to you, because she makes you work so much and she doesn't let you rest, as Tina told you to do, so she had to take you out of the palace for a while," she said, looking concerned. "And they thought this was the best excuse to get you out of there".

That makes sense, actually. I'm glad Mom moved to Genovia with Dad, because she's being a great help and support for me, mostly against Grandmère. Of course Michael and Tina and Lilly are great, too. But they're not Mom. She has always protected me in front of Grandmère, and she still does now, when I'm twenty-six, married, the Princess of Genovia and a mother-to-be.

"Oh, that's actually a good idea. What do you want to do? Watch TV? We could watch Star Wars if you want. Or do you prefer something else, like polishing your nails? I don't know, I actually don't remember what I liked to do when I was your age."

"Do you know what we can do? You go to the Guest room and rest a little."

So I did, and when I was lying in bed for, like an hour, she came in with this beautiful diary.

"Here you are. I think you should retake your habit of journaling. It's proved to release stress. And it used to work, right?"

"Uh, yes... I guess it did", I said non-understanding.

"Well, I prefer my old notebooks, so you can keep this journal. Helen gave it to me when the school year began. She says it's better than writing in my notebooks, but I really don't feel like changing right now. So, take it."

This brought tears to my eyes. Actually, everything makes me cry. I'm so emotional that I don't know what to do anymore. I can't even watch TV with my husband without bursting into tears without any apparent reason. Michael says he doesn't care, but I think it's really annoying.

So here I am. Writing in this brand-new journal my half-sister has given me. And I really hope it works.

It's true that I've been living under inhuman amounts of stress the last months. After the wedding, Michael and I went on our honeymoon to the Greek Islands in the Royal Yacht. It was pretty awesome, except the part of the morning sickness plus the motion-sickness, because the medication wasn't that effective. But I guess it was our own fault. Still, we had an incredible trip, visiting temples and resting and spending time together and playing Space Alien and Fire Marshal all the time. Those were the greatest two weeks of my life.

But when we got back to Genovia and my parents were finally settled down in the Summer Palace and Michael and I were in the Main Palace, Dad abdicated, just like he had planned. So we had an entire coronation to plan. And after that, there were like a thousand events I had to attend. And, of course, the whole thing with the refugees from Qalif, which is a subject we haven't had the chance closing yet.

And though Tina, who has become the new royal physician, is always telling me that I should rest more, I barely have a free day. Nevertheless, the babies are doing fine. They're already big and energetic, and they can be born any day by now.

I'm lucky that I have hired Tina, because she pressures Grandmère so I can get some rest, but these days I'm missing my luck: Tina married Boris two weeks ago and they're not back from their honeymoon yet. So I have to deal with Grandmère myself, and that isn't always easy. Let's say that Grandmère doesn't understand that a 38-week pregnant can't be attending events all around the country and receiving world leaders like she's forcing me to.

But I still have my parents, my half-brother Rocky, my half-sister Olivia and my handsome, charming, amazing husband Michael Moscovitz, or, how they call him here, Prince Michael of Genovia.

Right now, Michael's at home packing to go to Stockholm next Wednesday in the morning, as he'll be given the Novel Prize in Medicine. He actually didn't want me to go, because he says it's too dangerous to fly in my condition. But after he saw how Grandmère makes me work he agreed on taking me, all along with Tina, in case something would happen during the flight. However, Dr. Blanc says it seems that the babies don't feel like coming out, and that I should be able to go to Sweden, attend the ceremony and come back to Genovia without any complications.

So, I'm going to Sweden! Of course, after going to the mass tomorrow, as it's the day of the Immaculate Conception. I hope it doesn't turn out to be exhausting...

Three things I feel grateful for:

1. Olivia

2. Mom and Dad

3. Diaries

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