3:00 p.m., Sunday, December 13

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3:00 p.m., Sunday, December 13

Royal Bedroom

Palais de Genovia

Principalité de Genovia

Oh my God. Now Grandmère really went too far.

The entire family (Mom, Dad, Olivia, Rocky, Michael, Grandmère and me) was sitting at the lunch table. We were eating, having a little chat, as we don’t really see each other anymore. And suddenly, Grandmère started to attack me.

“Amelia. I really disapprove your behavior the past days. You took your holiday without asking if it was alright to do so. Do you think that just because you’re pregnant you have the right of not doing anything for many days? Let me remind you you should go to see the refugees, as they are your subject. And you haven’t been there for weeks. And it isn’t right neither cancelling all you meetings. I expect you to go tomorrow to see the refugees, so they don’t get to think we don’t care about them, and then you’ll come back to Palace to have lunch and you’ll have a meeting with Prime Minister Dupris. Then on Tuesday…”

“Grandmère, I can’t do anything on Tuesday. I have an appointment with Doctor Blanc. And you know I can’t skip my medical appointments.”

“You’ll do what I say. Just reschedule that appointment, because you have to go to see the Parliament on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, Michael and you have an interview at the Morning Show.” I made a face when I heard that. When am I supposed to sleep? I really don’t get her. “Don’t look at me like that. Say thanks to your husband. He necessarily has to go back to the States, so you have to do everything on your own.”

“Clarisse, you’re irrational. How do you expect Mia to do that? Leave her alone for a while! Can’t you see she’s exhausted and she needs rest? Don’t you remember how you felt when you were pregnant? Well, think of it and how it feels when, instead of one, you’re carrying two babies!” Mom exploded. I gave her a grateful look, but instead of smiling back to me, she stood up, came to me, gave me a hand and helped me to stand up.

She took me here and gave me one of her Mom-speeches.

“Honey, you don’t have to do everything Clarisse says. You know what your doctors say. You must avoid stress because it isn’t good for you three. And you have to save energy for later, sweetie. I don’t want you to over-work yourself, because first of all, you’re my daughter, and after that, you’re the princess.” At that point Dad came in. Mom gave him a look he sat next to me.

“Mia, your mother and I have been talking. We’re willing to take your responsibilities for a couple of months, until the babies are old enough. We know it should be Olivia who does the work, but she’s too young for that. I’m going to talk to my mother now to tell her we will take over all your royal duties so you can spend some time with your family and you can avoid the stress of attending every single meeting and event, OK?”

“Thanks, Dad.” I answered my eyes full of tears. “I am so glad to have you both here. It means a lot to me. And you’re right. Don’t let Olivia do anything. She deserves a normal youth, not doing a princess’ job at the age of 12.”

“We know, Mia. That’s why we will do everything.” Dad gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Well, I’m going to talk to my mother. Wish me luck.” He stood up, kissed Mom and went out of the bedroom.

Suddenly, I started to feel dizzy. Mom must have seen it in my face, because she held me and asked really worried if I was OK. I couldn’t answer because all sudden I had to throw up, so I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom.

“Mia. Are you alright? Do you want me to call a doctor? Maybe Tina? Or do you prefer to be taken to the hospital? Please answer me, honey.” She opened my dress so I could breathe better, and she wet my face with a little cold water.

“I’m OK, Mom”, I answered as soon as I had rinsed my mouth. “It happens to me all the time.”

“That’s not good, Mia. You have to take it easy. It has to be all the stress which makes you feel sick. I forbid you to do anything related with your job anymore. This isn’t healthy.”

“Yeah, I know” I whispered.

“Come on, lay on the bed. I’ll go and bring you a bottle of water.”

She helped me to get on my bed and went downstairs to get some water. So here I am now. I feel miserable. And I’m worried, too. I know Mom is right: this isn’t healthy. And maybe it’s true, and it’s because of the stress, because I feel alright and suddenly I start to feel sick and I have the urge to puke. This isn’t normal, I’m sure.

There’s one thing I’m going to do. I’ll make an appointment and I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow. Not for an echo, I want Michael to be there, but to see if there’s anything I can do to feel better these last pregnancy days.

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