4:30 p.m., Thursday, December 10

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4:30 p.m., Thursday, December 10

Ladies' restrooms

City Hall

Stockholm, Sweden

It's been a long time since I last wrote in the restrooms during an event!

So, here I am, at the Banquet after the Nobel Award Ceremony. There are more than 1,300 people attending the Banquet! This is really huge.

The Award Ceremony was cool. There was an orchestra playing and a lot of people gave speeches. In my opinion, it was a bit long, but lately everything is long and exhausting to me.

Michael looked really comfortable on the stage and his smile was so big when they gave him the Award. I wonder how it feels like to win a Nobel Prize, but I won't ever win it, because I'm not really outstanding in science. Tina says that if I'd catch up a little my writing, I could win someday the Prize for Literature, but come on! I'm the Princess of Genovia! I can't even rest because of pregnancy. When am I supposed to find the time to write amazing novels?

Anyway, it's been great. I've seen the King and Queen a few moments ago and we had a little chat. There was also Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel. The Crown Princess is already six months pregnant, but still she had to attend the Award Ceremony and the Banquet. She's asked me when the twins will be born, and when I said I was already 38 weeks pregnant, she looked very surprised.

"Did Michael let you come here with him!? Daniel wouldn't allow me even if I begged him!"

"Yes. I asked him to. Actually, my physician is here with us. It was too special to see it on TV. Besides, my sister-in-law and my physician are my best friends and Boris, Dr. Tina's husband, is Michael's best friend. So we came all together."

"Oh, I see. Well, I hope you get home all right! When are you leaving?"

"We're leaving tomorrow morning. Michael wanted to stay the shortest possible, and Tina says I should rest the last days of pregnancy. How are you doing, by the way?"

"I'm great. I have had some morning sickness the first trimester but right now I'm doing fabulous!"

"Really? You are lucky! I'm lucky this week I'm doing okay, because I've had all-day sickness for almost eight months!"

"Poor you!" she said, looking serious. "Well, it's a pity there won't be any Christmas party in Genovia this year. Because you won't organize one, right?"

"No! Absolutely not! I'm planning to have a very small party, only family and our closest friends! Now that my parents are a couple again, I want to have a Christmas dinner like any normal family." I laughed when I said that. Victoria looked at me and she laughed, too.

"Well, your family might be a bit challenging, but I think they're great. They love you so much! And I saw your parents at your wedding, which was great, by the way. They looked so deeply in love! Just like Michael and you!"

"Yeah, that's why we got married. We had been dating for more than eight years. It's not like our relationship wasn't mature enough!"

"I know! We're both really lucky girls! We're princesses and we've found our princes!" she shouted really excited.

"Talking about our princes, they seem to get along quite good!" I pointed at Michael and Daniel, who were having what seemed a really interesting talk.

"Just like we do!"

Actually, Victoria and I are interested in the same things. We both care a lot about aid programs, we like helping other people, we both stand for peace and understanding between countries... And though she's a little older than me, and she has been a princess her whole life, we are good friends. Maybe I'll even ask her to be godmother of one of the babies!

After saying goodbye to Victoria, I went back to our table, where all the Moscovitzes were sitting already. Then, Michael came and the Banquet started. It was delicious! Everything was good, but the desert was the best of all: chocolate cake. I ate my piece and a half of Michael's.

And now I'm here. I had to go to the restrooms, so I brought you to write everything now.

Tina has just entered to ask if I'm okay. I think I should be going.

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