10:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 8

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10:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 8

Royal Bedroom

Palais de Genovia

Principalité de Genovia

I can’t believe Grandmère. I really don’t. She can’t even stand the Contessa and she’s defending her! It’s just amazing, and not in the cool way…

So this is what happened: Grandmère walked into the Royal Bedroom when Michael was away doing the last packing for the trip tomorrow. Then, she looked at me with her evilest look and she started talking.

“Amelia. I’m very disappointed in you. Your behavior today was completely inadequate for a princess. The Contessa, Bella and René are very upset.”

“But Grandmère, I didn’t do anything. She said all those mean things to me when I was trying to have a nice conversation with her!” I tried to defend myself.

“That’s true, you didn’t say much. But your husband should be aware of the conduct code in the palace, and your friend is the rudest girl I’ve ever met! Who educated these kids, an animal?”

“Grandmère! This has gone too far! How dare you say these things about the Drs. Moscovitz? For your information, Michael and Lilly are both great and well-behaved. They were just protecting and defending me. Are you really angry with them? After all Bella and the Contessa said about me!?” I almost started to cry, but I forced myself to stay calm. “Grandmère, I am really disappointed in you. I hoped you’d care a bit about me, but I see you don’t. Now, if you don’t mind, I want to rest a little, because I have to fly tomorrow.”

“Sure, do what you want. But when you’re back, young lady, we’ll talk about this.”

And she just turned around and walked out of the room.

I was like frozen. I mean, how could she say these things? They hadn’t done anything wrong. They had just proved they loved me by defending me in front of Bella’s evil comments. Was that a bad behavior according to Grandmère? Sometimes I just wonder if she loves any of us, and I’m afraid to say she doesn’t…

Well. Michael came in and I was crying, so he just took me in his arms, he let me smell his Michael-smell and I immediately felt better. He really makes any day right. Ah, I love him so much!

Three things I feel grateful for:

1.     Lilly

2.     Tina

3.     My lovely Prince Consort

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