Chapter Ten

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Jet out this Bitch

   Man was there tension between Felicia and I. I'm not talking the aggressive, 'I want to beat the shit out of you kind.' It was the kind of tension that made my breath leave my body when we were too close. The kind that said 'I would like to see what you look like underneath your clothes.'
   I would have to stick with fantasizing. No need to pollute my focused brain with images and memories of Felicia's clit in my mouth.
Hugh. I sighed. That actually seemed like a good fantasy to have.
   "So what's the plan?" Steven asked walking up to me as I leaned against the wall near the front entrance. Damn him. I was living my good fantasy until he opened his big mouth.
   "You can stay here and let me and mines leave first and then your own your own. Or you can go first."
   Christian walked up with Christy. "You're not going to just leave them to fend for themselves. If anyone can help them its you."
   I gave my brother, a not so 'I love you right now' gaze, but more of, 'shut the fuck up' one instead.
   "What is that supposed to mean?" Steven asked, curiously.
You won't get the pleasure of knowing shit.
   "Do you even have a plan of where you're going next?" Felicia took this moment to question me. Did she really think I was going to answer that, all so they could follow us?
   I was about to say something like that, or at least along those lines. Then the lesbian in me that got caught in a beautiful woman's gaze drove silent into the front seat of my original plan to say, 'none of your damn business.'
   Felicia expression hadn't changed. It was still hard and fixed on my mouth, probably awaiting a response.
   My eyes may have momentarily taken a gander at the full lips displayed around her mouth before turning my focus back to her eyes. eyes may have dropped down to her breast that was choking in that tight t-shirt that had the words 'take me' written across it. this moment was she talking about me taking her with us or taking her in another form that required some physical touching.
Tris. You are band from women right now. My one and only goal: protect my brother and the girlfriend. I shook my head, now out of the trance of nearly getting lost in the possibility of her.
   "Tris.." I wasn't fully recovered from my never ending thoughts, though I heard my brothers call to me. "Patricia," he bellowed a bit louder.
   My eyes snapped to his in unison with zombie hands slapping against the front pawnshop glass door. "Keep your damn voice down...and don't call me that." I hissed that last request out very serious about that. I winced every time I was called Patricia.
   "You wasn't responding," he said apologetically.
   "Of course not," Steven said. "She was too busy looking at her tits." He pointed to Felicia.
   My eyes darted to him. "Why would you say that in front of her grams...dumbass?"
   I rolled my eyes as he did the same not apologetic to Felicia's grandma.
What a dumbass. Seriously.
   Far as me staring at Felicia's tits, I wouldn't respond to that. He was right. He caught me. I wouldn't apologize. I was gay. What did any human expect from a lesbian noticing a pair of enticing breast?
   "I wish you luck out there," Felicia said softly. Her tone drew me in like how blood could snare a vampire if vampires existed. Hmm...I wondered now. Zombies were always a myth but obviously that shit was bogos. Vampires could exist. I wasn't exactly sure what I was at the moment.
   My gaze dropped to Felicia's and then her grandma who looked unruffled by me setting sails to abandon them.
Whoa aren't abandoning anyone. Strike that from thought. They weren't your responsibility.
   Grams caught me staring at her and smiled. Fuck no...I'm not doing this.
    I refuse to agree to let them join. We will not survive. Could anyone imagine if we had to break out for a run how would this old ladies legs, internal circulation, and bones take it?
   Grams started to cough and lets just say once she started, it didn't end. Felicia went over to her grams immediately, trying to help her. Like what could she really do?
   Grams needed to shut up. No need adding more zombies to the table in trying to take us as their dinner. No thank you.
   I grabbed my bag finding my stethoscope and walked over to them. Bending down, I brushed my hand over Felicia's arm telling her to give me room.
   "You just so happen to be carrying one of those?"
   I smirked, using the stethoscope to listen to her heart and lung sounds.
   "My sister's an EMT. Was on her way to becoming a paramedic," Christian said, speaking proudly about me. I smiled not because he was bragging about me but because I still had my little brother looking up to me. I guess it was an older sister thing, to have my little brother admire me. The day he stopped, I don't know what I would do.
   I suppose leaving Felicia and her grams here could be one step in the less admiring section. Fuck.
   And I really didn't want to be with Steven and his cousin. Decisions...decisions. O, did I hate them.
   "Its clear that your wheezing," I stated. I watched as her lips pursed repeatedly taking a breath each time. I observed her whole appearance. "You have emphysema?"
   Felicia's grandmother nodded. Felicia looked concerned and she should be. There was definitely no way she could run now. My whole plan to escaping was running. She wouldn't last ten seconds out there without bellowing over.
   I could see the conflict thoughts roaming in Felicia's head of not knowing what to do for her grams. Honestly, I hated seeing her this way, so defeated. I didn't want to ever see her cry. I was so compelled to take away as much fear in her eyes as I could. "I'll carry her, if I have to," I told Felicia.
   She looked at me confused. I know I was slender and didn't look like I could pick up a two hundred pound weight. But if she only knew the side affects to being bitten, carrying her grams would be a piece of cake.
   "I thought we were far from you helping us? You, your brother and his girlfriend against the world?" Felicia asked incredulous.
   "You want me to change my mind?"
   Felicia smiled, shaking her head. "You can't carry my grandmother," Felicia said instead. "She isn't exactly the size of a baby."
   "That is noted," I only said.
   "Dear..." Felicia's grams brushed her hands over my arm. "I only have one thing I need you to do for me."
   I narrowed my eyes. I'm not one to be offering a free hand but I let her speak.
   "I can see that you will bring safety to so many...rather you want to or not...but I am not one of them. I won't have you slow down because of me."
   "Grandma, you're not an inconvenience," Felicia told her.
   I wanted to agree for Felicia's sake but then I would be lying. As much as Felicia was beginning to fascinate me, I wouldn't lie. I could only suck up my worries and try to help.
   "O honey...I'm old. I can't keep up...not at this early stage of whatever this is. I won't risk you or anyone else's life."
   "What do you want from me?" I needed to get straight to the point.
   Grams smiled not ruffled by my bluntness. "Take my granddaughter with you."
   "What? No..." Felicia hissed. "I'm not leaving you..."
   "Yes you are..." Felicia grandma gave me a stern look. "You take her. It's too late for me."
   "Grams...I am not leaving you here," Felicia argued.
   "Your eyes are dilating," I noticed. I pulled my pin light checking her eyes. "What did you take?"
   "I took some medicine that's used for my heart."
   I reached in digging through grams pockets without permission finding a small spray container of nitroglycerin.
   "Why would you do this?" I sneered.
   Felicia looked at me bewildered.
   "How many sprays did you take," I asked. Un-freaking-believable. I think I might have watched her take it too, thinking it was some type of mouth freshener or whatever the hell passed through my brain.
   I placed the back of my hand over her forehead feeling her temperature drop. My super strengthened hearing kicked into play as I listened to the slow beating of her heart. I listened for may, fifteen seconds timing that number by four. Her heart was beating at barely fifty beats a minute.
Fuck me.
   "I...may have..." her speech was slurring, "taken it three time," she said swaying slightly.
   "Grams," Felicia cried to her trying to get her grandma to look at her. She was becoming weak as fast as I expected. "Help her," she cried to me.
   "I can't," I told her. "We would need medicine, equipment that I just don't have. And it will be too late..." I stopped my words right there, letting her get the clear message.
   "Promise me..." the grandma said to me again. "Let her be one more person in your heart to care for. I already see it in your eyes. You were never gonna leave her," her last breath came out in a gasp.
   I took a low breath before nodding. "I promise," I told her, before her breathing started to slow. Whatever pain she was in she didn't express it.
  "Never lose that glow of light in you," Felicia grams told her. Felicia nodded. "I love you..."
   "I love you too, grandma." I stood, stepping away, letting Felicia have her few minutes alone before her grams would pass.
   As much as it sadden me I think this way was the best for her to go home, as the older folks always called it. The idea of some zombie having its way with her was much worse.
   Christian and Christy came up to me, baffled by what they saw. "Is Felicia going to really come with us or were you--"
   I cut Christy off, "do you actually think I'm that cold harded to lie to that old lady and leave her granddaughter at the end?" I asked, very offended.
   But she didn't know me and all she saw so far was the hardiness and attitude I had every shitty moment we had. Was I naturally a blissful person, waking up every morning as if the world didn't throw me a new shit pile to clean up? No. But I was always more on the optimistic side and happy more than half the time. I respected people. I respected the dead and always stated a prayer for each patient I ever worried about or lost as a patient, despite the fact that I hadn't prayed for myself in years.
   "She's gone," Felicia said weakly, looking up to me with pain in her eyes. The feeling of losing someone was still fresh for me and too see tears in her eyes; I had yet to even cry for my parents.
   I walked over to her offering my hand. She hesitated but finally took it, letting me pull her up to me as I embraced her. Felicia wrapped her arms tight around me, crying on my shoulder. I didn't do this for much people, but for her, I would.
   "I know you promised to care for me...but you don't--"
   "Shush..." I embraced her, keeping Felicia tight within my arms. "I was never going to leave you. I'm just stubborn...remember?"
   Felicia sighed. "Thank you." I whipped the tears from her eyes. "I don't know what I would have done alone."
   " don't have to think that way," Christian assured her. "We have each other backs."
   I was sad about her grams passing but if I was being honest and realistic, dying was the best gift she gave Felicia. With her old age and health issues...I would have surely been bitten again trying to be honorable and save her grams life. Or brother.
   Felicia straightened herself wiping her face with frustration. "I'm sorry. We have no time fore this."
   I nodded, lowering my head awkward with the thought of holding Felicia that long and feeling cold once she slipped away. I put my hands over my hips turning as if seeming mentally occupied on what I should be thinking about. Getting the Fuck out of here.
   "I can't leave her here." Felicia gazed back at her grams, tears back in her eyes as she sucked in a breath.
  You can't. Of course. That would be--well...the world seemed to be coming to a peaceful end, so the thought of burying bodies. I'm just saying, those would be a lot of dead bodies to bury. "We can make a small ceremony...but...there's not much we can do."
   "What did you say to the patients who were scared or their families?" Felicia was definitely putting me on the spot.
   I smiled awkwardly at her question, stressing over what to say. It was never easy in the beginning trying to comfort a patient or their families. Emotions were always high for them when it came to life or death. "That...I could never understand what they are experiencing." I frowned now realizing I didn't want to talk about this anymore but her eyes were heavy with need in hearing my words. "At least till now." Felicia hand brushed my arm. "When you suffer a're allowed to feel it.'re also allowed to gain something through it."
   Felicia only nodded turning back to her grandmother who was laying against the wall as if she had been sleeping the entire time.
   Another slapping of hands against the window; more than a few hands brought with cackling moans reminded me of our current problems. Zombies. Hungry ones. "Let's say a prayer for your grams and pack up."
   I didn't mind, this time in sparing another several minutes. Felicia needed her closure and the best I could do was wrap her grandmother's body in sheets and lay her in one of the beds in the back.
   "How are we going to escape?" Christian asked doubtful of my abilities to think of a plan.
   "It's not like you can go through the front or back door," Steven added bringing his unnecessary two cents into the conversation.
   I glared directly at him with a harsh look. "We can all escape out of here...but...we are going out separate ways after."
   "You really going to leave us?" Steven questioned me disbelieving.
   I snorted as if he really thought otherwise. "Hell yes." I rolled my eyes. "You're a big boy. Act like one."
   Steven's cousin walked over to him, scarce in the eyes. Poor guy. Not enough to make my ass feel sorry for them. "What we gonna do Steven? She doesn't want us cause you were mean to them. And you made me mean to them."
   Steven sighed, I'm sure irritated at his cousin questioning him. Tough luck traveling with a guy like cousin Finley. I mean he seemed sweat and helpful. But also like a huge six foot, three inch visible mark for the zombies to find and sink their teeth into. Not to mention he was clumsy and slow.
   Christian pulled me to the side. "You really going to leave them?"
   I furrowed my brow. "I ain't Rick off the Walking Dead. I'm not about to risk your life for someone who is more likely to get us killed." I held my index finger up. "First rule. If you can't keep can't come."
   Christian ran his eyes over me and I wasn't blind to the disappointment in his eyes. As his big sister I wanted to always have his love and admiration for me. To show a good example of what it meant to be human and have a heart. But I didn't care for any of that now. "I don't give a shit how you look at me." I felt my chest tighten and I was glad I was wearing sunglasses because I knew my eyes could tell it all. My body felt very hot and dry and the blood inside me seemed to scorch my veins. "As long as you are alive at the end of this...I'm fine with that."
   I was an EMT. My main priority besides scene safety was helping others. But even before that was, helping ourselves. You can't help others if you aren't safe first. Hence; scene safety. Ever since I was bitten something inside me changed with harsh reality. I wasn't going to start off making the wrong mistakes. I'd do my best to avoid them. I'd help someone in immediate danger...but I wasn't going to hold anyone's hand.
   I shoved pass my brother making my way to the restroom. "Have your shit packed in five."
   I made it to the restroom immediately gripping the edges of the sink as I growled staring at myself through the mirror. It felt like my airway was being blocked, my emotions turning up a few notches as I removed the sunglasses from my eyes. My personality and the care I once had for anyone seemed to be turning for the worse. I was angry and I didn't know why. My eyes looked sick as if telling me my organs were failing. My skin was pale.
   I thought I shut the door but Felicia was standing right beside me. I wasn't sure how long she had been watching me.
   "I'm not taking them." Steven and cousin Fin were on their own.
   Felicia nodded. "I know." She looked back and then faced me again. "Your brothers young. You're right. We should all worry on who we have around us. If you can't trust them...their out."
   I had to admit. I was surprised by her support in my decision.
   She noticed my baffled expression and smiled. "I don't try to challenge you on everything." Her hand reached out to me, stopping when she saw my eyes widening. Honestly, I couldn't take anyone's touch right now. Something inside me was going cold and I was continuously fighting to stay in control. "I don't trust Steven. And Finley is kind but will bring a lot of zombies our way. If Steven finds out about your bites...I don't trust what he will do. He looks like a guy that will throw you in front of a zombie if it came down to your life or his." Her smile relaxed me. "You're making the right call and your brother will see that soon enough."
   I put the sunglasses back on and then faced Felicia again. I was about to speak but my eyes saw an opening of Felicia's shirt. One button missing. Her cleavage alone brought a surge of excitement inside me.
   "Tris..." Felicia's voice brought me back to life. "What are you looking at?"
   She couldn't see my eyes through the sunglasses. Lie. "I'm tired. Closed my eyes for a few seconds." I hope I didn't sound too panty. Damn...I was horny. It was already my monthly and I still hadn't touched a woman. Just to explain, my monthly did not mean my menstrual cycle which I wasn't looking forward to. It was my monthly time to find a woman to ravish in for at least a night...or two.
   A smile crept up on Felicia's face. "You most have had a really quick dream."
   I narrowed my eyes at her. "Dream?"
   She pointed to my chest. "Your body's definitely..." Felicia seemed to pause becoming breathless..."telling me you had some type of dream...or fantasy."
   I got the picture to what she was viewing and I wouldn't be embarrassed by it. So what my nipples were probably hard showing vividly through my shirt. "We have to go." I wasn't going to be answering any questions. Right now, it was time to jet out of this bitch.

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